About the weight of premature babies at hospital discharge

A Congress of Perinatal Medicine is being held these days in Granada in which all aspects related to premature babies are being discussed, including Advances in hospital discharges in babies weighing less than two kilos, which some years ago was unthinkable.

At the meeting, in which 1,200 doctors from all over Spain and Latin America participate, the head of Neonatology of the Clinical Hospital of Granada, Eduardo Carbona, said that "Thirty years ago a baby with 2,500 grams was underweight and now since birth is in his house".

I can attest to his words because my first daughter was born with that weight at 37 weeks and did not need to remain in an incubator or under observation. Two days after birth we went home with her.

The doctor has also commented that thanks to advances in the medical units of neonatology in his hospital, babies with 1,800 and 1,900 grams of weight have been discharged while before until they reached 2,500 or 3,000 they were not given high.

Of course, the life of the children and the general state of health with which they were born depends a lot, but the truth is that today there is greater medical safety when treated thanks to the latest advances such as the administration of prenatal corticosteroids that favor the pulmonary evolution of the fetus.

The truth is that fortunately there are more and more advances in terms of treatments that allow premature babies and those born with low weight to get ahead, which allow us to take our children home as soon as possible.

If not, look at the case of the little girl born with just 300 grams that has evolved without major complications and a few days ago she was discharged with 2,200 grams.

Hopefully, this Congress in which issues such as extreme low weight, the relationship with parents, the ethical part of the newborn of low weight, nutrition and mechanical ventilation techniques are useful conclusions.

Video: Preparing for preterm baby's hospital discharge (May 2024).