Diabetes affects a woman's fertility

We have already talked in Babies and more about the risk of malformations in the baby if the mother suffers from diabetes in pregnancy, but today we read a study in which a team from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden has concluded that diabetes control decreases the risk that the future baby suffers malformations.

Another highlight of this study led by Dr. Junmei Miao Jonasson and published in the journal Diabetes Care, is that diabetes affects a woman's fertility. Fortunately, an exhaustive metabolic control also reduces this problem, they have proven it after the follow-up of almost 6,000 women who were hospitalized with type 1 diabetes around the age of 16, from 1985 to 2004. It seems that at the end of the decade of The 80 was when a new strategy of metabolic control was launched and the satisfactory results have been reflected in the last twenty years, fertility problems and malformations in babies due to type I diabetes have decreased.

But as the author of the study states, it cannot be extrapolated to other populations, since medical strategies, life habits and health care in reference to diabetes control are not the same in all countries, even so they are Very valid data that must be known and taken into account to be applied if necessary.