It is advisable to place the baby upside down when awake

While it is recommended that the baby sleep on his back to minimize the risk of sudden death, it is not good for the baby to spend most of the time in the same position when he is awake.

Being permanently in the same position can cause flattening of the back of the head causing a deformity in the skull called plagiocephaly, increasing in recent years due largely to investigations that find one of the associated factors in the upside down position. at the sudden death of the infant.

Plagiocephaly has different degrees, from a mild deformity to severe malformations with added problems such as psychomotor retardation, strabismus, headaches, etc.

Therefore, doctors advise placing the baby upside down while staying awake so that he begins to strive to rest on his elbows and lift his head to look to one side and the other. These exercises will help you strengthen your neck and back muscles and will also make it easier to start turning, sitting and crawling because your muscles have already been practicing.

For this, activity blankets or soft floors are ideal where we can place some toys for you to try to catch them.

Another alternative is to take him in the arms in the upside down position holding the tripita. Thus the baby will begin to browse around him while exercising his muscles.

Video: Tummy time exercises for your baby (July 2024).