Duracell batteries last too long (and parents suffer)

There are images that say it all and the commercials need to find this type of images, loaded with messages, to leave a mark (or generate some emotion) in those who see them.

This is the case of Duracell, which has an advertising campaign carried out by Ogilvy, very forceful and must be seen in a humorous way (and try not to imagine fathers or mothers making such misdeeds) whose message next to the stack says: " Lasts longer, much longer. Sorry ", that would come to be a: I'm sorry but Duracell batteries last a long, long time.

In the image we can see the heel of a woman's shoe literally stuck in one of the typical mobiles with billions of loud sounds and loud music that can despair, as you see, certain mothers.

The campaign has two more images that you can see below and that perfectly demonstrate the excessive durability of the batteries:

Imagine the degree of frustration and monumental anger of a father (or mother) who decides to try to make the guitar doll disappear through the toilet. Great.

As aggressive as the heel, it shows the kitchen roll as a murder weapon and the victim, the drummer clown, lying inert on the stairs.

Video: 1992 Buffalo Bills @ Pittsburgh Steelers Divisional Playoff (July 2024).