Celebrating Children's Day in Marbella

On November 20, the Universal Children's Day which commemorates the approval of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959 and of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 by the UN. That day is established in order to celebrate the signing of this Declaration and disseminate and promote these rights.

Children are human beings with the right to full physical, social and mental development and have the right to express their own opinions. They must be guaranteed protection, survival, proper food, safety and be protected from exploitation and abuse.

It is very important that states and adults recognize and defend these rights but it is also essential that children know them and find the way to claim them, even if it seems utopian in a world where abuse, slavery and the most extreme poverty continue to happen from usual way in many places.

The association group Raising with the Heart of Marbella He has sent us the photos and information on how they celebrated this International Children's Day, with an informative table and children's activities, receiving for this the collaboration of the Miramar Shopping Center and the Marbella City Council.