Breastfeeding despite cracks, frenulum and a bacterial infection

Today I bring you the story of a mother who has struggled a lot to get her breastfeeding despite the difficulties and, telling her testimony, she wants to make it clear that the most serious problems can be solved with perseverance and specialized support, to encourage other women in similar circumstances not to despair and find help to continue breastfeeding. Silvia has got breastfeed despite cracks, frenulum and a bacterial infection. And he wants to tell us so that his story can help other moms.

Silvia's baby was born in a hospital attached to the Friends of Children Hospitals Initiative, so, although she was born through a caesarean section, she was needed and respected, and was able to be with him from the very birth. However, although breastfeeding was promoted in the center, there were problems. The baby did not gain weight and cried a lot. Already in the hospital they had to give him syringe supplements, so as not to interfere with breastfeeding.

When he got home he had terrible cracks, the redden nipple and so much irritation that part of the skin came off. I didn't know what to do, where to go, or really what the baby's problem was. I was very distraught but I didn't want to stop breastfeeding without finding out if I could find a solution. A concocida homeopath helped him take the first step to get rid of his doubts:

I thought that perhaps I was that one percent of women who do not “milk up”, in the hospital with so much visit and so much spectator I had no symptoms, not to mention the well-intentioned but very harmful comments like “with Caesarean section does not raise your milk. ” But once again, fate had made me another great person willing to help me, he explained that nothing causes a caesarean section in the rise of milk, which is obviously a mechanism and on the first day I can not expect it to work perfectly, but I would not give up.

The baby spent the day aggravated to the breast, but his weight gain was thanks to the supplements. The pain was unbearable and the little boy's restlessness, too.

Everything seemed to be going better, but Aleix had only gained 50 grams a week, even though he spent the entire holy day on the tit. It took 4 and 5 hours. What happened to my child? I could not put it to my chest anymore because there were simply no more hours in the day, I spent twenty-four hours breastfeeding except for a break of 2 or 3 hours at night. So much to my regret I had to keep giving him the supplement.

Silvia decided to go to the Alba Lactancia association, which had already been recommended in the hospital and the friend with whom she had spoken. Everything began to be solved. They quickly detected that the baby had a submucosal lingual frenulum and that same afternoon Silvia went to the doctor who recommended her to intervene.

The baby stopped chewing the nipple and began to breastfeed normally, being able to withdraw the bottles of help and give exclusive breastfeeding. However, Silvia's breastfeeding problems were not over. Her nipples were very irritated and red and the baby had muget in her mouth.

She went to Alba Lactancia again and was immediately advised.

They offered me the possibility of extracting milk samples to send for analysis to the Complutense University of Madrid, an entity with which they collaborate in a research project on chest pain caused by infection. A week later they sent me the results: I had a fairly important infection, especially in the right chest, which was the one that hurt the most. Specifically there was a bacterium that was the one that most destroyed the chest ... When I knew it, I called Dr. Paco Vera from Valencia, a professional who recommended me as a specialist in these cases, who kindly treated me and prescribed me an adequate antibiotic to end it .

The improvement was noticed in one day and in a short time the pain had completely disappeared. The child not only suckled well and took more than 300 grams a week, but the mother greatly enjoyed breastfeeding, as she had always wanted.

This is my testimony, after my experience I only want to help other mothers who are in a situation similar to mine. It can be achieved. Insurance. We all have milk. You just have to pass the "filming" of the breastfeeding machinery, which for some is more complicated.

Silvia only has words of thanks to all the people who have helped her on this path: Inma Marcos de Alba Lactancia, her friend Montse, her husband Oscar and above all, her little Aleix, the reason why that hard road would happen again a thousand times more.

I thank Silvia and the Alba Lactancia Association very much for allowing me to share your experience with breastfeeding, to show you how to overcome problems by breastfeed with cracks, frenulum and infections with determination and of course, with the help of the environment, breastfeeding groups and specialized professionals.

Video: Mastitis & New Moms (May 2024).