How long to wait to try again after an abortion?

The spontaneous or natural abortion is an unpleasant experience for the couple who has sought a baby and sees their illusions fade. Losing a baby in the first weeks of pregnancy is more common than you think (it is believed that half of pregnancies do not come to term) but it is still no comfort for those who suffer.

One of the most frequently asked questions when a pregnancy is lost is when you can look for a new one. How long to wait to try again after an abortion?.

Each case is different. Depending on the causes that have caused the abortion and depending on other aspects such as the state of the mother and the duration of the losses, the doctor will evaluate in each case what is the most prudent time to try again. However, the most widespread recommendation is wait at least three months to look for a new pregnancy again.

WHO recommends waiting six months before conceiving again, but an investigation carried out in 2010 with more than 30,000 women has concluded that the sooner it is re-born, the less chance there is of having another abortion or experiencing complications.

The WHO council is based mostly on emotional issues, considering that six months is the time it takes for a woman to recover from the trauma of having lost a pregnancy, while the study published in The British Medical Journal, which recommends return to gestate before six months, is focused on physiological aspects, fertility and the female body.

Waiting less than six months would be less complicated

According to the study, those women who waited less than six months to become pregnant again were less likely to suffer another abortion, to suffer an ectopic pregnancy (outside the uterus), to have a premature delivery (before 36 weeks), of give birth by caesarean section and have a child with low weight (less than 2.5 kilos).

Having an induced delivery was the only thing more common among this group than in those who waited more than six months.

Re-conceive after an abortion

Of all the women who participated in the study, the 41.2% conceived before six months since they suffered abortion, 25.2% between six and 12 months, 9.6% between a year and a year and a half, 6.4% between 18 and 24 months and a 17.6% took more than two years to get pregnant again.

This last group that has taken more than two years to get pregnant again is the one with the highest risk of suffering adverse effects and complications during her second pregnancy, according to the research.

I have had a miscarriage and have advised me to wait three months to try again. I have been fortunate to get pregnant on the second attempt, but I think that waiting six months may be too long from a psychological point of view, especially if you don't get pregnant again right away.

The waiting months are added to the search months. I think that so many months can be discouraging from the emotional aspect and counterproductive from the physiological aspect, because today women are mothers at increasingly advanced ages. When they decide to have a baby, there is no time to lose, since this delay can lead to complications in the new pregnancy.

Anyway, every woman is a world. There are those who want to meet again as soon as possible, while others need to grieve. That goes in each one.

But in conclusion, it could be said that between three and six months is the recommended time that you have to wait to try again after an abortion.

Photos | iStockphoto
More information | British Medical Journal
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