Highlights in Babies and more: from August 9 to 15

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents that we have published in the blog throughout the last week.

Among the most read and commented topics, speaking of the role of pediatricians in promoting breastfeeding, it has been the turn of knowing what can be done in the first days of the baby's life and we have also known that having siblings is positive for children. children.

Following our interviews, we have had the opportunity to learn a lot about yoga and children with yoga teacher Mari Cruz Isasi, and also about yoga and meditation and their role in childbirth preparation.

About pregnancy We have talked about how to cope with rest and a more trivial issue, such as the curious case that happens when we see more pregnant women when we are pregnant.

We have commented many on the anniversary of one of the most popular children's series, Dora the Explorer, who turns ten, talking about some virtues and defects of these drawings. But among the most commented is also the controversial theme of weddings without children.

Regarding the health of babies and children, we remind you of the benefits of children's massages and myths and truths about lice, among others.

To entertain the children we have talked about some curious games of kitchens next to folding cardboard houses.

We hope that this week begins Babies contents and more remain interesting for our readers and have a pleasant time reading us as well as giving them information, news and curiosities about babies, children, dads and moms.

Video: Kownacki vs Arreola HIGHLIGHTS: August 3, 2019 PBC on FOX (July 2024).