Children's stories to understand disability

Understanding, acceptance, sociability, etc., are very necessary values ​​that must be established in our children, this is the basis for building a society of higher quality in which all people are treated equally and with the utmost respect. We have met on several occasions various initiatives that fight for children to learn to understand and accept other children, regardless of the disability they suffer, religion or race.

We could put, for example, the initiative of an Argentine teacher who works with children with visual impairment. He created a doll called Braillín whose purpose was to educate children by promoting respect and acceptance as enriching elements of personality. Another interesting example is that provided by our partner Dolores in the post, What happens to this child ?, a book about children with disabilities. This is a book aimed especially at adults who relate to children who suffer a disability directly or indirectly. Today we have met a new initiative by the Belén Foundation, it is a collection of children's stories in which the main characters suffer some kind of disability. Through reading these very special stories, understanding can be incorporated more effectively in infants, children will learn to act differently before a disabled partner, acceptance, respect and equal treatment will benefit, not only to the child who suffers the disability, to everyone in general.

The characters in these stories are deaf, blind, etc., all of them are heroes, because despite their disability they manage to perform heroic feats saving even human lives.

In the industrialized countries the problem is not as serious as it can be in the underdeveloped countries, in those places being disabled closes many doors, starting with education. It is also necessary to enhance understanding and integration in the environment of these children.

The stories of the Belén Foundation can be acquired through its official website for the modest price of 2 euros.