A baby carriage made with Tente pieces

As I explained a few days ago when talking about our childhood toys this Christmas I bought a Tente robot (in fact I bought more things, just in case) and, in the search for information and articles of the brand I came to a page of fans called La TENTEteca, where some participants are dedicated, among other things, to making incredible creations (cars, airplanes, spaceships, ...) with the Tente pieces.

One of these creations caught my attention especially because it was about a baby carriage. I was stunned by its author, "zacarías", since the stroller has all the details, such as the bag hanging on the handles or the same individual handles and because it is also foldable!

I remember my time as a child, when I picked up Tente pieces and pushed aside the instructions to create something. The result was little less than ominous, so see things like a baby carriage made with these parts (and that which is one of the simplest constructions I have seen on that page), helps to think about the many possibilities offered by the construction pieces.

I leave you some more photos of the baby carriage made with Tente pieces so you can see it from other perspectives and also folded:

Awesome, right?

Video: How to Make a Diaper Wreath for your next Baby Shower (May 2024).