Highlights in Babies and more: March 21-27

Today as every week we offer you a summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

We started talking about the topics that most interest pregnant women, since we have dealt with a few. For example, we have talked about whether it is worth freezing stem cells from the umbilical cord, to show the options to future mothers, we have explained when to go to the hospital if you are in labor, we have commented on the fertile days to get pregnant and about this same topic we have offered the possibility of calculating your fertile days on the mobile phone.

For women who are looking for a new pregnancy (or for those who are looking for the first one), we have explained how many times you have to make love to get pregnant. We have also known that there are more and more twin pregnancies, as the incidence of twins is one in 80 pregnancies and there is currently one in 45, we have talked about how to help women in childbirth with epidural and we have known that genetic errors related to preeclampsia have been discovered.

Focusing now on the feeding of children, we have known that almost half of the children eat less than three pieces a day of fruits and vegetables, we have offered you the food pyramid for children, which is always a resource to consider, We have talked about the restaurants friends of children, those that many parents are looking for, and we have offered two interesting tickets with a very suggestive combination, cooking and learning: Cooking, learning and children and the second part of the same entry .

With regard to breastfeeding, this week we have talked less about her, but the little spoken has been very interesting, since we have interviewed Kika Baeza, a doctor and lactation consultant who has explained, among other things, that "In the medical career gave us an hour of information about breastfeeding "

Speaking of more general health issues, we have talked about my deaf child: a new portal for parents of deaf children, we have known that babies with excessive hygiene can become less protected babies and we have talked about the incompatibility of Rh and How to prevent it

Also in terms of health Carlos González has answered the doubts about vaccines of our readers, we have talked about tuberculosis in the world and we have initiated an interesting and useful series of first aid entries: cardiopulmonary resuscitation to a baby (I).

With regard to the education of our children, we have explained that most parents consider themselves as equally involved as the mother in caring for the baby, we have discussed television in the children's room, yes or no? and we have commented on a television ad with a very interesting background: "My dad ... comes looking for me" and what really matters in life.

Finally we have returned to the topic of the school education system by showing the educational system of Finland on video and commenting that "schooling in a bad system is not a choice".

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

Video: Games, And . 2018 Summary, moments and stuff. (July 2024).