A storyteller at home

Has it happened to you that your child no longer wants the stories he has at home because they no longer contribute anything new? Well, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on books whenever this happens because it is not difficult to have a storyteller at home.

And, many of us have story teller blood in our veins, but when the little one who wants a story tells us, we just read those who have long been on the shelves of the house. This does nothing other than enthusiasm and interest decline on the part of the child and the adult.

The reason for this is because we lack resources to be able to create new stories to get our children's attention. Today we are going to see what we can do to elaborate our own stories.

How to create a story?

When preparing a children's story, we can help you both real and fictional characters. Sometimes it may even be the children themselves who are leading our imaginary adventures.

These protagonists must take part in understandable situations for the little ones, which can be exaggerated without fear (for example, let the animals talk).

The end must be the classic, that is, the typical happy ending where good triumphs over evil.

How will the invented story be developed?

As we have spoken recently, the stories have a universal structure composed of Introduction, knot and outcome. This is the structure we will use for our creation.

The introduction it will be where we will present the characters of the story (hero and villain), the places and where we will describe the situation they will have to face. We can refer to real or imaginary themes.

During the knot much of the story will be developed, and it will be here where there will be an unforeseen event, properly related to the characters in the story.

Finally, in the outcome, we will end our story emphasizing that you can do well with everything, that justice is imposed and that everything is as it was before.

Tips for creating a children's story

Taking into account what we have just seen, it is important and advisable that when creating our children's story we start from everyday objects, interests or actions of those who are going to be the listeners of the story.

For example, if our daughter likes to go by bus to see her grandmother, we can use her as a hero, the problem would be that the bus is lost, but finally our daughter helps the bus driver (or the bus itself if we want the story to be more magical) to reach its destination.

In addition, we must not forget that stories can be an excellent resource for developing skills, such as communicative skills (verbal and nonverbal). Especially in the preschool stage, where the child can actively participate in the narration through questions, comments, gestures ...

There are some techniques that will help us get a storyteller at home, and we will see them more calmly later.