Dead baby powder pills to improve health

The ability of some people to make money with ideas that seem absurd at first seems incredible. I suppose the secret lies in being able to sell a lie, camouflaging it and decorating it so that others believe it and in, of course, having very few scruples.

This is what happens, for example, with homeopathy, of which I have spoken several times, when you think you buy something to cure or mitigate some symptoms and it turns out that you are buying sugar water at a gold price and what has happened recently in China, much more unpleasant, where powder baby meat pills are being sold in order to improve health or cure diseases (Argggg !!! - Scream of horror ...).

It is known that they exist because South Korea has already stopped, in nine months, 35 attempts to smuggle this type of pills, assuming a total of 17,450 capsules.

The pills are stuffed, as I told you, from powdered meat of dead babies and they are manufactured in the northeast of China (the manufacturing process is best not explained). According to the South Korean authorities, there are those who think they are useful for improve health, increase vigor and to cure diseases, that is, there are people who look for and buy them to take them.

It has not been wanted to reveal the origin of the neonates (and this is the great doubt that this news generates) nor has it been said who manufactures them because Korea does not want this to cause problems with its Chinese neighbors.

Smugglers meanwhile say the only thing they can say when they are caught: that they didn't know what they were wearing and that they believed they were energy supplements. No charges have been filed because the amounts carried by the last to try were small and because, as we said, they did not know what they were carrying. I hope in any case that something is done to prevent this nonsense continue to grow and leave the bodies of Chinese babies alone.

The volume of the business is very low, surely, so if we start comparing, lie by lie, homeopathy is worse because it gives hope to many more people. However, with one you drink water and sugar, which does nothing wrong, and with the other you take baby meat powder (phrase that I write without being able to avoid making a face of “but my God, what world do we live in?”, he asks that lately I ask myself too many times).

Video: Dead Baby Pills Put Korean Customs on High Alert (June 2024).