Buy, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables safely

From Pediatric Zone they bring us some tips for Buy and safely handle raw foods such as fruits and vegetables. In hot weather it is especially important to be very careful when it comes to preventing food poisoning, so I wanted to give you these recommendations.

Fruits and vegetables act as regulatory foods that provide vitamins and minerals, but the former are more energetic because they contain a higher proportion of carbohydrates. The diet should be enriched with raw and cooked vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts and legumes, but when it comes to fresh products we will take special care when buying, storing and preparing.

Tips for the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables:

At the time of buying:

  • Acquire products that are not hit or damaged. We should ensure that the frescoes have not been stored for a long time.

  • When selecting fruits or vegetables already cut (half melon or watermelon, beans without pods, etc.) these should be chilled or covered with ice. I would say that with the exception that we have seen them cut in front of us, or that it is a well-known neighborhood store, in which they manage the genre well and know the storage regulations.

  • When transporting the purchase home, we should not mix fruits and vegetables with meat, fish or shellfish in the same bag.

Storage tips:

  • Fresh perishable fruits and vegetables should keep in a clean refrigerator at a temperature between three and seven degrees Celsius. I also like to cover them or wrap them in clean cotton cloths, they last longer and moldiness is avoided.

  • All previously cut products must be refrigerated.

Preparation Tips:

  • Handwashing before starting.

  • Cut the damaged areas of fresh fruits and vegetables, those products that appear in poor condition should be discarded.

  • Wash all fruits and vegetables before eating or preparing them, we will do this even when we go to peel them.

  • Scrubbing the hard skin of some fruits and vegetables, and drying them before consuming, also helps eliminate bacteria.

Now more than at any time, we want these fresh products, and our body thanks you, but it is better that we follow these rules, after all it is about our health.

Video: How to Wash and Store your Fruits and Vegetables (July 2024).