Why should babies not be given cow's milk?

Babies' milk and dairy products containing cow's milk should not be given. Artificial milk, from cow's milk, undergoes modifications that make it digestible, but normal milk is inadequate. We will explain the reasons why babies under one year old should not be given cow's milk.

The most important and the one that justifies a clear recommendation not to introduce cow's milk until the year is its allergenic potential. The premature introduction of milk, especially for its proteins, can trigger intolerance and allergy problems, which is why it is recommended to wait.

Some studies have indicated that early exposure to cow's milk could be beneficial for allergy prevention, although a progressive and non-premature exposure is rather recommended.

Also, let's keep in mind that milk must remain the basis of food of children under one year. Cow's milk has a higher proportion of proteins and these can cause overdose in the kidneys of children. The proteins in human milk have exactly the right proportion and qualities for babies.

Its mineral content (calcium, phosphorus and sodium) are also superior to those of human milk, and, on the other hand, it does not contain enough long-chain fatty acids, essential for the correct neuronal and cognitive development.

Other fundamental nutrients are also not found in sufficient quantity: neither vitamins C, D and E, nor minerals such as iron, copper or zinc.

In summary, Babies under one year old should not drink cow's milk, they should drink human milk and, if that were impossible, modified artificial milk, because its composition is suitable for calves, not for people, that we are not similar animals in our needs.

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