Five years later, three girls and a boy recreate the viral photo that represents their fight and victory against cancer

The photographs we are going to share are probably familiar to you. And it is about the three girls who became famous by sharing a photograph that went viral, with which they showed their fight against cancer. This photograph became an annual tradition, to which another child was integrated last year.

Now, the girls Rheann, Ainsley and Rylie, as well as little Connor, they have returned once again five years later, to recreate viral photography, which represents their fight and victory against cancer.

Rheann Franklin, Ainsley Peters and Rylie Hughey are 11, 9 and 8 years old respectively, but they have known each other since they were very young, when photographer Lora Scantling took that first viral photograph five years ago, in which they appeared dressed in vintage clothes, while they were fighting cancer.

Having survived, they decided that they would recreate that photograph to remember their fight together, and this is how we have seen them return every year, currently with the disease in remission stage, and healthier and happier than ever.

In 2015

In 2016

In Babies and more Three girls who have survived cancer recreate a viral photo two years later

In 2017

In Babies and more Three girls who have survived cancer recreate a viral photo three years later

In 2018

Last year, on the fourth anniversary of his viral photography, the photo shoot had a special guest: a boy named Connor who is currently fighting cancer. The decision to invite him was so you don't miss the goal of your project, which is to draw attention to children who fight against childhood cancer.

In 2019

Now, five years later, the three little ones and Connor have not only recreated that first viral photograph and the photograph that the four took last year, but also, they have made a special tribute to the little heroes who failed to beat cancer.

As we have commented in previous years, the three girls are in remission and little Connor is still receiving chemotherapies, which will continue until 2021.

While girls are already healthy and disease free, in the case of Rheann the sequels are visible, because hair can no longer grow because of the strong radiation treatments he received in his skull and his eyes are tilted due to the location of his brain tumor.

Every year, more than 150,000 new cases of cancer in children are diagnosed in the world, becoming the bravest heroes in the world. Rheann, Ainsley, Rylie and Connor, they represent all those little ones who stand up to the disease and remind us that the fight is not over yet.

Photos | Scantling Photography (reproduced with permission)
Via | Today