Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

In these last days, the unstoppable activity of moms and dads bloggers He has continued with his usual rhythm. I will tell you some posts that I found especially interesting.

The blog of Raise and Love It is one of those references that I need to consult from time to time to balance my ideas. A few days ago he presented a new book by Rosa Jové that is sure to prop up the maternal style based on positive emotional experiences as foundations for development. An interesting chapter on prejudices and the conception of the child as the originator of problems and not satisfactions is transcribed.

He said that I need to consult this blog because it complements my approach that a structure and some discipline is also necessary to offer children a satisfactory but real environment. In psychomotor skills, it is often said that the child's development is the result of the combination of a maternal security and a structuring authority.

In Grow baby They have written an entry about princess hairstyles for our daughters. With these themes "I skate around the curves", since it is much easier for me to dress my daughter than to put her on a hairpin, but I'm afraid I will have to take practice.

In Babies on the Web They show a simple questionnaire about the Influenza A that helps to avoid the panic towards something irremediable: if it is a pandemic, it is that we all have a chance of becoming infected, but that is why we do not have to become hypochondriacs.

Finally, in the Armandillo World They have presented us with a real case about the difficulty of negotiating with three-year-old children. It is very interesting to be able to extract our own opinion of an event related to this sincerity and objectivity (although I fear that I would have chosen option "a").

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (April 2024).