Sleeping the baby in the car is harmful to our wallet

Babies' bedtime is often complicated for many parents who, trying to find a method that works relatively quickly, end up testing a thousand techniques including arms, massages, white noise, babysitters, a walk in the stroller at home or a walk on the street with the car and the boy in the chair.

Many parents end up with the last option because of “the car leaves it fried” but this technique involves a problem, which involves spending on gas. A British study wanted to quantify spending and concluded two things: that sleeping the baby in the car is really harmful to our wallet and that women spend less with this system than men.

To do the study, more than 1,000 parents have been surveyed and 56% recognize that sleeping the baby in the car, driving until he falls, is one of his favorite techniques. In addition, thanks to the survey we know that the time at which most parents leave to walk the child is at 9 pm in the evening and that the ride has an average duration of 29 minutes.

Men are longer and spend more

When it is the parents who lower the child to sleep in the car they travel an average of 2,900 kilometers during the first year. Women, on the other hand, need only 1,380 kilometers to achieve the same goal, less than half. At the time of accounting for gasoline expenditure, it is estimated that with this system you can spend between 250 and 350 euros in that first year of life of the child, money destined only to walk the child to get him to sleep.

I do not know about you, but of all the techniques I would say that it is the worst of all. I have never done it because in my case (in my three cases, in fact), it is to put the child in the car and start crying as if I had seen Rajoy, but even if it served the purpose, I often have to get out of the car to go around the city. I can't understand that 56% of parents love this tactic.

The type of seat has to do

In addition to asking about the time it takes to fall asleep and the time spent by the parents circling, they also wanted to find out if the type of seat the child is staying in has to do with the time it takes to fall asleep and they have found that a chair that is comfortable for the child can reach reduce up to ten minutes needed so that Morpheus takes our son to the world of dreams.