Tocophobia, irrational fear of pregnancy and childbirth

For some women, the stage of pregnancy and giving birth to a child are the most beautiful experiences they can live, but approximately 3% of women feel real panic about having a child. It is what is known as tocophobia, an irrational fear of pregnancy and childbirth.

The mere fact of a possible pregnancy, or being and having to go through the trance of childbirth causes a deep state of anxiety in women. It is normal to feel worry about the arrival of childbirth, most women have it, especially the first ones, but when that concern becomes persistent and unexplained pathological fear we are talking about a phobia.

The mere fact of naming a pregnancy triggers a nervous breakdown, it is preferred to avoid the issue and can even cause problems with the couple by not wanting to have children. They avoid by all means to get pregnant, becoming contraception a true obsession, some even cheat on their inability to conceive. The physical changes, the responsibilities that it entails and the change in life of the arrival of a child are feared.

In the case of being pregnant you can think about abortion to avoid childbirth, ask for a C-section to not go through a vaginal delivery, and even have thoughts of rejection towards the baby.

The term tocophobia comes from the Greek "Tokos" (birth) and "Phobos" (fear). It is also known as parturifobia, maieusifobia or locquiophobia. It is classified in primary and secondary.

Primary tocophobia

Primary tocophobia is suffered who have never had children. It appears before pregnancy, usually begins in adolescence. Its origin can be unjustified, as well as being related to psychological alterations or sexual abuse.

The adolescent stage is a particularly vulnerable period for women. Therefore, it is essential to provide teenage girls with complete and real information about pregnancy and childbirth, breaking down taboos and myths that are usually created around them.

Secondary tocophobia

Secondary tocophobia is suffered who have already had one or more children and have had previous traumatic experience related to pregnancy or childbirth.

Having had a negative experience in pregnancy, a disturbing birth, an obstetric bad practice or a strong postpartum depression leaves sequels in the woman who feels real terror to go through it again.

How to overcome tocophobia

There are women who they choose not to be biological mothers for not going through pregnancy and childbirth and consider the adoption to fulfill the dream of having a child. Having tocopophobia does not mean that the woman does not want to be a mother, although some are agreed that they will not be one way or another.

Either way, before making a final decision, you should know that the tocophobia can be overcome. Like any other kind of phobia, it can be treated by putting it in the hands of a specialist.

Seeking psychological help, understanding of the couple and family support are essential to try to overcome the irrational fear of pregnancy and childbirth Some women suffer.