Have you thought about how your Advent Calendar will be this year?

Advent Calendar Dolls

I declare myself passionate about crafts to do with children, although at the moment of truth, the lack of time extinguishes the flame of some of our projects. What is not possible to turn off is the illusion to make new creations with the kids, it is a good excuse to be together, don't you think?

My daughter has inherited this hobby, while the child prefers to use technology ... both (however) know that they have a better time playing in the street with their friends so I have stayed on more than one occasion with the white-tailed boat in one hand, the scissors in the other, and a face of 'again I am alone with this'.

I come to say this because we are already on November 13, and there is very little left for Advent, which as you know begins on December 1 and continues until Christmas Eve. Now you have the opportunity (and enough time) to decide if you are going to prepare a homemade Advent Calendar at home, which is undoubtedly much better than any of the ones you will find on commercial surfaces.

Do you want ideas?

I have found chained dolls, decorated yogurt containers, a large paper bag, and even match boxes lined with Christmas motifs. I have to admit that I have a lot of envy for all those moms and those parents who scratch a few minutes from anywhere to sit frequently next to their children, create beautiful crafts, and then share them through their blogs.

And I am also very grateful to you for all the ideas you give us, surely more than one is very helpful, right? Let's go there

Dolls chained with watercolor paper

Jean and his daughter have painted one of absorbent paper with watercolor strokes and then cut it in half by folding the edges. The pattern of a doll, the folds so that they are taken from the hands and resistant scissors do the rest. After joining the two strips again they have prepared some paper aprons with the numbers of the days written on the front, when they are glued to the wrists a hole is left to introduce a rolled paper with the surprise for the little ones.

Did you know this utility of yogurt packaging?

Advent calendar with yogurt containers

As 'Four in family' I am also one of those who keep plastic and cardboard containers, because at least I realize, I have already found application. This time they should be painted on the outside with acrylic paint (or lined with patent paper), inside can go candy or messages with activities, carols, etc. Finally they are covered with crepe paper squares and knotted. They are pretty right?

The pockets of the paper bag

Advent calendar with paper bags

Kristy has surprised me with these beautiful scrapbooking samples on pockets made with kraft paper (you have the template here) that have previously been glued with white glue to the big bag. Finally you will only have to look for a place to hang it.

Empty matchboxes that form a tower

Advent calendar matchboxes

A tower very typical of the pre-Christmas time that it will allow children to be excited when each morning they open the corresponding box to see what it contains. Arming it is not difficult if you have patience because it has a pyramid shape and the base is wide, we just have to find a paper decorated with winter or Christmas motifs.

What do you think of these Advent calendars?, if you are interested, you will only need a lot of patience, a little patience, a pair of scissors, glue stick and white glue, and perhaps brushes or colored papers, pieces of wool ... depending on the chosen one. My paper pockets tempt me, I have to think a little more. What is certain is that we will do this craft again.

Images | The Artful parents, Four in Family, Craftastica, Sweet Paul Fuentes | The Artful parent, Four in Family, Craftastica, Sweet Paul in Peques and More | By making an Advent Calendar at home we give ourselves the opportunity to live intensely Christmas preparations