Discover a music with other airs: pre-Columbian instruments

Sometimes we have talked about how for children to appreciate music there are many fun activities, from live attendance to concerts to contact with the instruments through the Internet. Today we propose a activity to discover pre-Columbian musical instruments, which my daughters just explored with interest.

On the website of Manuel Miranda, a Peruvian multi-instrumentalist wind musician, we find a space dedicated to the Andean folk instruments, where we can know their appearance, their name and especially their sounds. You will be surprised to see and hear instruments made with reeds, conch shells, horns and even bones.

It is a very simple resource that we can find in the "Instruments" section of the Manuel Miranda website (known as "The Lord of the Winds"), but that children are drawn to, and that we can also take advantage of to get closer to other cultures, other sounds ...

The musician and composer is especially interested in the fusion and integration of popular music from Peru and the world. From this one tour of pre-Columbian musical instruments Surely they will want to learn more and we can find videos with music of this style.

Official Site | Manuel Miranda In Babies and more | "Music Educa": online music games, Choose the most appropriate musical instrument, Music education, very suitable for children