The boy who did his homework under a lamppost because his mother could not afford the light, will release a house thanks to an Arab businessman

Many of us still have the image of Víctor Martín Angulo in our retina, the Peruvian boy whom a municipal surveillance camera recorded while doing homework on the street. The video went viral and reached every corner of the world.

So, Yacob Yusuf Ahmed Mubarak, a Bahrain businessman 31, he learned about the case and, according to the Peruvian media, he traveled to Peru to help the little one. He has promised to rebuild his home, to give you a monthly pension that covers all your expenses and to include improvements in the school where you study.

A selfless act worthy of mention, which rewards the perseverance and effort of a child to learn despite adversity.

In Babies and more A 12 year old boy does his homework in the light of a lamppost because there is no light in his house: an example of overcoming

A story with a happy ending

The story of the little boy, who studies sixth grade of primary education, was disseminated by the RPP News station less than two months ago, after being captured by the surveillance cameras of the municipality of the Moche district, in the province of Trujillo (Peru) , when I studied at night in the street.

Once the businessman's advisor in Peru managed to locate Victor in Ramiro Ñique school, Mubarak traveled there, where he was received by the boy and his classmates, who study in a school with great infrastructure deficiencies.

Then, he visited the humble home of the little one and, after knowing in person the situation of the child The businessman offered to build a two-story house, set up a business for his mother and improve his school.

The only condition that put Victor Martin was to return in December to get to know his new house and share a meal with his family.

Hopefully the house will grow fast up and Victor can finish his studies, because at the moment it seems that school improvements cannot be carried out for bureaucratic reasons.

We are left with the words of thanks from Victor's mother, Rosa Landa, and the entrepreneur's wish to "Fulfill your offer of donation to the school, and not be as it was only to take 'the photo'".

In this video, recorded by Panamaericana Televisión, Victor is seen with his benefactor Jacob Mubarak. In addition, the businessman explains why he decided to help the little one. Among other things, because he also comes from a humble family.

Video: Boy doing his homework near a street lamp (May 2024).