José Ángel Cano de Wonnova: "with gamification you get tedious tasks can become fun"

José Ángel Cano is the CEO of, a startup specializing in gamification plan design He already works on successful experiences with big clients. It is also teacher of this innovative discipline, pioneer in Spain, at the Higher Institute for Internet Development (ISDI).

José Ángel is an economist, trained in the multinational environment who has worked in the marketing area of ​​companies such as BMW, Interflora and IVI. Wonnova is the second startup that undertakes after the impact achieved with wiseri, an innovative HR portal 3.0 through the crowdsourcing of which he was co-founder and director of Marketing.

The purpose of the interview is learn more about gamification, successful experiences in Spain and in the world and what are the best practices that are being specially applied in the education of children. And it is that gamification consists in using the game as a motivating, playful element, that demands concentration, that demands the attention of the participants and that allows to achieve achievements in a fun and practical way. Although it is best to let José Ángel explain in detail.

What is gamification?

Gamification or gamification is the application of the mechanics and dynamics of the game in non-recreational areas in order to achieve the achievement of certain objectives. It is to get a boring, tedious task, that you do not feel like doing it voluntarily and with a high degree of motivation.

How gamification can be applied to motivate learning in children

We apply gamification with children since they are born, although many times we are not aware of it. When we use the "airplane game" to get them to take a porridge that doesn't feel like it, we're using gamification. Children are more than familiar with game mechanics and are the ones who lend themselves the most to participating. When using gamification to motivate their learning, it will only be necessary to develop the "rules" of the game and define a system of rewards that makes the child willing to comply with those rules.

Gamification can be applied from nursery to postgraduate studies. In childcare centers and in early childhood education centers, gamification-related techniques are frequently used without knowing it. Putting a green sticker on children who behave well and a red one on the most thugs is an archaic form of gamification. It is to reward and motivate children to achieve that award and penalize those who do not exceed the goals or challenges.

How gamification is used to improve children's academic performance

For children to improve their academic performance with gamification, the first thing to do is define small milestones that can be translated into hours of study dedicated to a subject. It is on the one hand giving tangible prizes, but on the other you also have to recognize their effort and increase their motivation through recognition. If we only put tangible rewards, it would not be gamification.

Which subjects are the most suitable to apply in a project of this type

Gamification can be used in each and every one of the subjects taught in schools, even at recess! The mechanics and dynamics of the game can be applied to any field and are equally effective in all fields. The key is to know how to develop the strategy thinking about the needs of the students and the subjects to be gamified.

What initiatives are appearing in Spain and in the world

More and more and more and more strength, the use of gamification in educational settings. In the United States, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has helped finance the PlayMaker School, a school with 60 students of 6th grade in which they use gamification to enhance the child's learning. In this center there is a “map of adventure” through which children can control their method and learning pace to some extent.

Another example that is already used in Spain is that of Edmodo, a social platform in which students and teachers share messages, files, links and create a work calendar through which they propose tasks and activities. This service, which is free, offers the possibility of granting badges and trophies to students who are more involved in the use of the platform and the performance of tasks.

Why do these initiatives succeed?

Gamification is successful in any field by its nature, with it you get tedious tasks suddenly have interest, they become fun. This success can be considered even greater in the educational field by taking into account that, on the one hand, children are very familiar with the mechanics and dynamics of the game and, on the other, that dedicating time to study does not generate much interest in young people.

A technique that helps arouse that interest in devoting time to studies translates into the achievement of good results. At the end of the day, good grades and the acquisition of knowledge and skills are produced thanks to interest and perseverance, and on these two aspects are those that work on the application of gamification in education.

What capabilities do digital natives have to take advantage of these new ways of learning

You could say that digital natives were born with a smartphone under their arm. The new generations live together from the cradle with technology, they like it and they are attracted by the new technological proposals.

It makes a lot of sense to use tools that combine technology and games to encourage school education for a generation that cannot live apart from its gadgets.

What needs do you identify for a gamification project to succeed in Spain?

A very important rule for a gamification project to work is that it is implemented by professionals, who know the needs that different audiences require. Gamification may seem like a game, but it is not at all. It is necessary to design a game scenario and develop mechanics and dynamics intended and aimed at the different types of players.

What should be the role of teachers and parents when applying this form of learning

The key to gamification is that it must be seen as a game so teachers must adopt the role of mere observers and collaborators. They should not be seen by students as evaluators as this would generate pressure and the essence of gamification would be lost.

Like teachers, parents should only supervise that the mechanics of the game are being fulfilled. They should not press or try to encourage the child to spend more time playing. The trick of gamification is that through a game the child will freely decide to devote more time to his studies, because in the process of studying he will find a tool that will be fun for him. If you are pressed or forced to devote more time to the "study game" this will cease to be a game and the engagement that was initially achieved will be lost.

What technology or what supports are used in gamification

Mobile technologies, such as tablets, and social platforms are of great importance in the use of gamification applied to education. But it is quite a common mistake to think that you can only gamify a project using technology. Technology is important, yes, but it is not essential. All it takes to gamify a project is creativity, ingenuity and know-how.

What is the future of gamification

The future of gamification is about to be written and we have to write it all together. In Wonnova we have realized the possibilities of this technique and the benefits that it can bring to certain sectors, and that is why we are committed to it. It will be one of the tools that will help to combat school failure and that will allow children and adults to be sensitized in certain social aspects of which we are not yet very aware. We are convinced that gamification will play a crucial role in improving the world in which we live.

Finally we want thank José Ángel for the collaboration with Peques and Más for conducting the interview and we congratulate you because initiatives in Spain are needed entrepreneurship that leverage technology and empower children in the classroom.