9 month pregnant dancer and still dancing

Many times we have said that pregnancy is just one more state and that it is possible to continue with our life and with everything we usually do until the end of the nine months, this has exceptions of course, but as a rule we could continue with our day by day making some small adaptations for obvious reasons.

This is the case of this future mother and Nine month pregnant dancer who has continued doing what she likes most until the end of her pregnancy.

His name is Mary Helen Bowers and is a renowned dancer who has become famous on the internet thanks to the photographs she has posted on her Instagram that show the whole process of her pregnancy and how she has combined it with dance.

I have found the whole process of my pregnancy as something beautiful and miraculous. I'm so excited to be a mother for the first time! My instinct has served not only to capture this special moment, but to share it with others as well. Bowers says.

Helen has admitted that her dance routines have helped her avoid many of the discomforts of pregnancy and understand the changes that occurred in her body. And so, inspired by his own experience Helen has designed her own method of training for pregnant women They want to stay active and celebrate their femininity.

He is currently training Victoria's Secret models and has a Beautifull Ballet website from which he tries to show the beauty of this type of dance and bring it closer to the world of fitness and has an extensive list of clients such as Natalie Portman whom he trained for his role in the movie The black swan.

By the way, Helen has already given birth to her precious daughter Lumina Belle.

It is clear that not all pregnancies are equal and not everyone has a good physical preparation for nine months with a baby inside. But what seems to improve the discomfort that appear in these months is to stay as active as possible, always within our means.

I'm curious to know how much it cost to find the balance for the dance steps, should it have been complicated? Were you active until the end of your pregnancy?