Would you record a video for your partner to see what the day is like with your child?

We live in a society in the working hours they send, in which the word conciliation sounds more like science fiction than a system of life. It is the cost of development, the cost of bringing productivity above the good to be social, coincidentally in order to improve it, funny, isn't it?

Many couples have had and have to sacrifice the time to be with their children to stay in the workplace or to get a professional career with a certain future, all this entails missing many things from your children's day to day, their games , your steps, words, etc. Luckily, technology is on our side and can help us with it. Would you record a video for your partner to see what the day is like with your child?

The idea is simple, we simply leave a camera at a fixed point in the room where we are with our son or children most of the time and let it record.

Today we have different applications that allow you to do it with a simple webcam, of those that all laptops carry. You just have to frame and record. Then when our partner comes home we can show him everything that has been lost, so that although he cannot be there with us he has been able to enjoy it later.

And we do not realize everything we miss, everything that is the day to day of our children, how being so small can give so much play and so many unforgettable situations.

This is not something new, in fact there are many nursery schools that offer a streaming service to parents so they can see their children at any time. Here even a double purpose is pursued, on the one hand allowing parents to enjoy part of their children's day, even if it is several kilometers away, and on the other hand, it confers a security to parents regarding the form and manner in which they educate and care for our children in schools.

Then I leave the video he recorded Emio Tomeoni from Kansas (USA) to show his wife everything he and his 21-month-old son did all day alone at home. Do not miss it because it even manages to collect toys, impressive.