Seven ideas to have that deserved time for mom today

When we are mothers, doing things for leisure or just for pleasure is usually complicated, because the hustle and bustle of daily life keeps us running from one place to another with our many slopes.

The truth is that although we would like to cancel the plans of the day and rest from time to time, it is something that is unlikely to happen. But that does not mean that we cannot do at all things that we like! So if you too like me, you are a very busy mom, I share some ideas of small activities that you can do today to have your deserved "time for mom".

Identify the available spaces

The first thing we will have to do is a mental review of the plan we have for the day and so find those little holes we can have to do something we like. In the previous article where I shared some tips on what you could do to have your time for mom, I mentioned three moments: before your children woke up, during their nap or after their bedtime.

The activities that I will propose were thought precisely in those spaces, which are not usually very long because moms always have many things to do and sometimes even if we intend to do something for us, the mental burden beats us and we end up making pending House.

Regardless of why the time is short, the important thing is that those minutes are well spent, so I recommend some of the following ideas.

Read a chapter of a book

If you like reading you can spend a few minutes a day to read a chapter of a book every day, new or that you have already started and you have not been able to continue. Start reading a few pages today and you will see that in a short time you will have finished it and you will be able to start a beautiful habit that adjusts to the busy maternal routine.

Listen to some of your favorite songs

Music is one of my favorite things to disconnect. You can put some that you have on your phone or search for a playlist on Spotify that suits the mood you have this day and enjoy a couple of songs. You decide if you listen to it softly or sing at full throttle (of course, if your children are not taking a nap). Dancing is also a good idea!

Watch a chapter of a series

Now with the Streaming services available, it is much easier to watch our favorite series wherever and at any time. Some have 20 or 30 minute chapters, ideal to see them in one of the spaces of time you have during the day.

Have a cup of tea or coffee

Sounds like something simple, but the reality is that being mothers we often have to drink our coffee or our tea when it has cooled. Find one of those spaces and Give yourself five minutes to enjoy a cup of hot tea or fresh coffee.


Many people are a little afraid or confused to start meditating because they think they "don't know how" to do it. But nevertheless, Meditation can be something as simple as setting aside a 10-15 minute space for yourself:

Put yourself in a comfortable posture, close your eyes and start breathing deeply and slowly. With each breath inhale peace and exhale worries and thoughts. If you have the opportunity to do so, look for some guided meditation on YouTube or play relaxing music to help you disconnect.

And don't worry if you can't get your mind blank at first. It is usually very complicated the first few times, but over time you will achieve it.

Put on a mask

Another option to take advantage of that "time for mom" short is to pamper yourself a little and put on a mask. If you do not have any or have not bought for a long time, you can do it with ingredients you have at home.

Solve some mental game

If you have a penchant for mind games, a crossword puzzle or math or word games They can be an excellent option for those free minutes. You exercise your brain a little, you wake up and renew to continue the day.

What do you think of these suggestions? All are easy to put in some small space that we have during the day. Are there any that you would add to the list?

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In Babies and more | Time for mom: why it is important to have it, What can we do to have that needed "time for mom"