What do you think if we tell you that parents take time to learn that their child is bullying?

It is a subject on which (as you know) we put a lot of interest, and at the risk of looking heavy - something that I hope will not happen - I think it is important that bullying becomes visible because it is a growing problem, and because despite being it we keep it intentionally hidden (I suppose the intention because we are adults, and from the moment we become more aware everything can change). Now that we are at the beginning of the year, it is good to influence it, and later we will echo the news that comes up.

Sabel Gabaldón tells us that it is about "Any form of psychological, verbal or physical abuse" that occurs repeatedly among schoolchildren, physically and through social networks or instant messaging. It can be distinguished from punctual or isolated aggressions, which are usually resolved, since aggression from a biological point of view is linked to humans (not destructive behaviors or violence).

On the contrary, bullying persists over time, and adults are often the last to hear about this "conspiracy of silence" surrounding it. With a view to addressing these problems, schools and families that educate in values ​​should be insisted, banishing the idea of ​​values ​​related to violence in the face of dialogue, and enhancing empathy and attention to emotions.

We would say that it is an obligation to do prevention and early attention to bullying (with programs such as TEI); and in any case, that any change in behavior or behavior (fears, low mood, relational isolation, etc.) should be placed under suspicion, because they are potentially indicators of some serious problem through which the child passes.

I have just pointed out that Dr. Gabaldón banishes the idea that bullying only occurs among high school students, since At present, as we know, it also occurs in young children. And on the other hand, keep in mind that the victim is usually in a very vulnerable position, and therefore unable to defend himself. Nobody gets strong spontaneously, without help ... that idea is extremely dangerous and harmful, both for the psychological health of ours, and for society.

In Peques and More | Bullying exposure between eight and 10 years is related to the subsequent appearance of parasomnias

Video: The Effects of Bullying: What Parents Need to Know (July 2024).