Babies who annoy their neighbors: a mother hangs an anonymous letter on Facebook complaining about her son's cry

If we asked someone what babies do, asking them to respond quickly, I would say: eat, sleep, poop and cry. Now, the "cry" seems that not everyone is clear, because there are those who come to complain about hearing a baby cry, sometimes to the point of leaving a note in the mailbox.

This is what happened to a woman from Queensland, in Australia, who He received an anonymous letter complaining about his son's persistent crying and she, neither short nor lazy, took a picture and he posted it on Facebook to answer in case, in one of those, the author (or author) was facing.

The letter you received

The letter comes to say something like:

You may be able to ignore your baby when he cries, but we are tired of hearing him crying nonstop all day.

The mother, shocked and not knowing who to turn to to respond to the letter, decided post it on Facebook and post an answer there, where he says he has no guts to knock on the door to talk about it and where he clarifies that his 11-month-old son, Will, does not cry all day, but when he does not want to go to sleep, when he is changed diaper and when they say "no" because "I refuse to let him do what he wants as if he were the owner of the house". Also, invite the author of the letter to come again to talk about it and finally sign as "A mother and father trying to do their best".

Trish LaForty is Will's mother and together with her partner they have been living in the building for six months. Until then no one had complained, but suddenly he received that note that left it very out of place. In addition to posting it on the internet, he called a meeting with all the neighbors to try to clarify the situation and to explain why his baby cries. The neighbors ensure they don't know anything about the note, so you still don't know who it could have been.

Children who cry

When reading the explanations of LaForty I cannot forget one of the passages of Eduard Estivill's "To sleep" book, that book in which parents are urged to let children cry alone in their rooms and in their cribs to learn Not to call them. I speak of the moment when he says something like "if the neighbors complain about your son's cries, you can always tell them that he is sick", in clear flight so as not to say "yes, I let him cry because I feel like it". I comment because there will be those who think that having read the "cries when you do not want to go to sleep", because I also thought about it. If an eleven month old baby cries when going to sleep, sign that you are not sleepy.

But be careful that you are not sleepy does not mean that you have to wait at one o'clock in the morning, in case then the dream comes. I had the first one crying several noon to take a nap because he didn't want to, but I remember that if he didn't sleep, after six in the afternoon, he could become the twin brother of the Exorcist's girl. And I had the third one crying night and night, too, more and more frequently, because I had a urine infection without us knowing. And other times he cried in our arms for the same, for being sleepy without wanting to sleep (babies sometimes do things that weird, yawn and show that they are tired, but try to be awake so as not to miss a second of life that they surrounds).

And I give you these examples, but others can explain very typical cases of brothers in which one of them hardly ever cried and the other did not stop cryingThat if you are left with only one child and the one who does not cry has touched you, you may think that other parents do things to their children or simply have them neglected.

Come on, I'm not anyone to try to guess why Cry cries, eleven months, and since I'm nobody for it I would never write a similar letter for hearing a baby cry. And you?