From the age of 35 the risk of miscarriage increases

Getting pregnant after age 35 carries greater risks than doing it at earlier ages. One of them is the increased risk of spontaneous abortion, that is, the loss of pregnancy involuntarily before the 20th week of pregnancy.

Miscarriage is more common than is usually believed. Approximately one in five pregnancies ends in abortion, regardless of the mother's age, but after 35 the risk of suffering it rises considerably.

To give you an idea, women under 35 years of age have a 15% chance of having a miscarriage, while in women between 35 and 45 the chances are between 20 and 35%. And after 45 years, the risk skyrockets at 50% chance of having a miscarriage after becoming pregnant. At older age, more likely to conceive embryos with chromosomal abnormalities.

There are a number of risk factors for spontaneous abortion and age is one of them, but it is not the only one. Other factors are also involved, such as the lifestyle of the mother and father (alcohol, food, stress, etc.), previous illnesses, exposure to toxins or hormonal problems.

There is not always a clear cause of miscarriage. Most of the time it is due to alterations at the embryonic level in the early stages of pregnancy. By natural selection, the mother's body expels the embryo. Other possible factors, according to Sofía Ortega, of the Gynecology Service of the San Carlos Clinic Hospital in Madrid "are the immune and lupus anticoagulant antibodies."

There are women who can suffer two or three abortions in a row, and here also age is a risk factor. What is known as repeat abortions. For this there are treatments that can help the pregnancy move forward and abortions do not occur. When the reason is known, the cause is directly pointed out, and when it is not known "benefits have been demonstrated in the joint administration of aspirin, heparin, progesterone and serial ultrasound controls," says the specialist.

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In Babies and more | After age 35, greater risks in pregnancy and childbirth, Miscarriage: causes and symptoms