Participate in our children's school activities, a great experience

We don't always have to stay behind the doors of the school, leaving or picking up the children. Many schools open their doors to parents to go to their children's classes to tell stories, to do theater, to play some instrument ... and ultimately to contribute something to the day to day of the classrooms.

Participating in our children's school activities is a great experience, and if they do not propose it to us from school, we can do it, presenting a proposal. These are some of the advantages of going to the kids' class.

  • We know first-hand in the classroom where children spend so much time. If we have gone to a meeting in Claeá yes, there will be more children and we will notice how everything changes. The class comes alive. It is also possible that we know other contexts of the school, depending on the activity we are going to do (gym, library, audiovisual room ...).

  • We see how children interact, with us, with teachers, with each other... We can learn a lot from those relationships that are established in the group to which we normally do not have access.

  • We teach them something, we can apply their knowledge about a topic they are dealing with in class, their projects ... You have to put imagination, any topic can be treated in an original and fun way, providing our personal "art".

  • We are involved in the educational activity, something that our children perceive with much interest and gratitude. Do not be surprised if they later kiss you a little more! He will want you to come back.

  • We spend more time with our children, both at the time of being in school and in preparations. It is important that the little ones help us in the process and in this way they can also participate in the activity that we will do in class. for example, making the special effects of our story, interpreting some character, distributing drawings to color to classmates or material to do a craft

Surely there is some activity that we like and in which we perform well. Participating in our children's school activities is comforting and very special, for us and for the children, who will not forget the days that their parents were in class.