Dads and moms blogs: keys to help children sleep, parents who carry and more

As every week, we take a tour of the earthly ma (pa) blogosphere to bring you the content published in recent days in the moms and dads blogs that have interested us most.

One of the new additions to our list of dads and moms blogs is Mommy profession, in which Candy Tejera asks us: How do your children sleep? and recommends some clues to help children fall asleep.

Another premiere in the section is from In Simple Words: Mom with a beautiful entrance in which he tells us when dad's porting is not just a matter of weekends or for walks. The experience of a kangaroo dad in the first person.

Pilar Martínez, in her blog Maternity Continuum He has compiled those simple luxuries that only mothers can appreciate. Those moments that taste like glory when we have children at home.

In the Corner of Coks Fennstra's blog We are multiple They talk to us about something that worries future parents of twins and twins: Vaginal birth or caesarean section? On what are the necessary conditions for a vaginal twin birth and why a caesarean section should be avoided.

In The moon has legs We found an article that anticipates the end of the course. In Goodbye, goodbye dear school, we begin to say goodbye to the school stage and welcome the desired vacation. Nothing remains!

In Waiting for my little one, a future mom shares a great truth: Infertility is a roller coaster. He shares his experience in the search for pregnancy that we wish him to arrive soon.

Finally, a delicious blog that we have known recently and we present this week is Happy kid time, in which they teach us to play by reusing toys. A good idea to give a second chance to those toys that have not liked too much. Let's do it!

We hope you have found interesting the review we have done today for the moms and dads blogs. And we remind you that if you have a blog where you talk about your experience as fathers or mothers and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: Anger Management For Mothers (May 2024).