Dads and moms blogs: the censorship of childbirth in the networks, Baby Led Weaning and more

As every week, we bring you one of the sections that we like the most. We take a tour of the moms and dads blogs to share with you those contents that have interested us or attracted attention.

Every time they are more and it is more difficult to select, but we want everyone to have space in our weekly review, so we go with some blogs already known and with others that we visited for the first time.

It has happened again, and I'm afraid it won't be the last. In Mimitos of mom They have denounced this week that Parir is not an act of censorship after Facebook removed the photo of a birth from its wall as considered pornography. A real shame.

Cristina, what is it? Mother and autonomous, tells us about the advantages for the parents of Baby Led Weaning. A method that we have recommended several times in the blog for being the most natural to feed children and also the most comfortable for parents. What more could you want!

We continue with Mommy profession, which as an end of course note brings us a suspense to childbirth care in Spain. It echoes a report of the Ministry of Health with nothing encouraging data.

For its part, in The adventure of my pregnancy, Alejandra tells us the adventures and misadventures of her 24 and 25 weeks of pregnancy. Lumbago, sciatica, distention of the pelvis and other ailments of this stage. Cheer up less!

If you would like to know what you can do with a baby in one of the most charismatic cities in Europe, Sexy and mum We recommend a large park in London where you can have fun with the kids and interact with other moms.

We continue traveling with a Spanish mom in Bulgaria Bulgaria shows us in images. Three Instagram accounts full of beautiful images. If you are instaviators, I recommend them.

In the same plan of recommendations, but this time literary, in Diary of a mother of the 21st century They suggest great readings for the summer. Some of them are already listed on my list of earrings.

We hope you have found interesting the review we have done today for the moms and dads blogs. And we remind you that if you have a blog where you talk about your experience as fathers or mothers and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

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