Dads and moms blogs: high-capacity children, large families and more

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net. We have found very diverse topics that have caught our attention, also several proposals for this holiday with children.

We start with An architect mom who tells us that her little empress has turned two and takes stock of that beautiful stage, that happens too quickly! Those have been the 735 most intense days of your whole life.

We continue with Look what your son has done, the blog of a large family dad, which continues to expand! In his last post he tells us that they have done the first ultrasound and a star was born. What if you are asked if it is the first baby and you answer that it is the seventh?

May of Naturally mom It will also increase the family and is in its 13th week of pregnancy, and it gives us a summary of how it is and the changes it has undergone. They still don't know if it's a boy or a girl, but we also congratulate them.

Next we see that Parrulín and Xoubiña's mother He tells us Don't step on my child !, where we know the difficulties that a child with high abilities is in his way, and how public administration does not make it easier ...

If you want a good plan for the holidays, in Traveling notebook They tell us how the plans have gone with children (and dogs) on a getaway to Sietamo and the Guara War. A weekend adventure with castles, viewpoints, bird revival ... an adventure!

In Nosaltres 4 viatgem (We 4 travel) give us ideas for when you can't go very far, and why you don't always stay all the time in different destinations. A perfect vacation without leaving home, with fun ideas to hang out without facing the screens.

Mo in Blogging (about my little one and other things) Reflects on the summer, what children watch TV and advertising influences them in addition to family plans these holidays, when grandparents both help.

We end up with Edinutrix They give us advice on nutrition and dietetics and these days remind us of the importance of having healthy snacks and lunches on vacation, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean diet.

We hope you have found interesting the review we have done today for moms and dads blogs. And we remind you that if you have a blog where you talk about your experience as fathers or mothers and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: 24 Hours Challenge my Dad's Car (July 2024).