The most amazing hospital birth I have ever seen: your baby brings five laps of cord and they don't even help you

A few days ago we explained in an entry how it was given birth 50 years ago through the photo of an obstetric table and, incidentally, we explain how it is delivered now in many hospitals, which is exactly the same way.

In many, but not all, because there are those who have achieved what you can see in the video you have below. It is the hospital delivery most amazing I've ever seen, because they don't attend the delivery and when they see that the baby is born with five turns of cord, nor does it help him.

Why don't they help you?

Because a woman giving birth is not a sick woman, but a healthy woman You are doing something as natural as giving birth. I could do it at home, but as sometimes there are complications, he has chosen to go to a hospital so that health professionals are there in case something needs to be done.

We are too accustomed that the moment a woman arrives at the hospital, her delivery is "stolen". Control is taken, it begins to interfere, it is controlled to the smallest detail and thus the woman loses her autonomy and her feeling of being able to give birth. And if you don't feel able to give birth, "you have to give birth".

That is why a few years ago I published an entry in which I was the speaker of a Tenerife midwife, named Jesus Sanz, who said this (I repeat it because he deserves it):

For more than 16 years I have accompanied and attended home births, and throughout these years I have undergone many changes, and I have realized that I have not always done a good job as a midwife, that many signs have escaped me They talked about something going wrong and, on the contrary, that everything was fine when I was worried and annoying the woman in excess. ... Apparently, it seemed that my assistance was impeccable, I went with all the necessary equipment, had all the necessary knowledge and was accompanied by the right person. So what were the women complaining about? Until I found the answer: my lack of listening. I didn't listen to the woman's needs, I didn't listen to the birth, what messages each delivery sent me to understand that everything was right or wrong. The women really complained that it bothered them. When you realize this, your attendance changes a lot, it is all an unlearning of annoying childbirth, of everything you do, that you should stop doing because it really is useless, just to annoy you. ... When we change our point of view everything is possible. We can change the way we attend, we can "not do", we can learn to be present in deliveries without disturbing, intervening when it is really necessary, we can create the necessary environments for assistance in hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, delivery homes ... be the most similar to those at home. We will learn to know when we have left over, when the presence of other people can hinder or endanger the birth process, we will learn to listen to the needs of the birth, its warmth, its gloom, its intimacy, its silence, its love.

They don't help you because in the Clinical Practice Guide on the Care of Normal Childbirth in Spain, which you can read here (and the birth is not in Spain, but surely these protocols came there before) we can read that:

Women in labor should be treated with the utmost respect, have all the information and be involved in decision making. To facilitate this, health professionals and the rest of the staff that attend to it, should establish an empathic relationship with women, ask them about their expectations and their needs, in order to support and guide them, being at all times aware of the importance of their attitude, the tone of voice used, the words used and the way care is provided.

In addition, if everything goes well and childbirth is considered low risk, they say that:

It is recommended that hospital delivery care teams promote low-risk birth care preferably by midwives, as long as it remains within the limits of normalcy.

Why midwives? Because they are the ones with the time (or they should have it) and training to accompany the woman who is in labor as long as she requires it. That is why there must be more midwives and fewer gynecologists in the delivery care units, because if everything goes well, there is no reason to intervene, an act that is left for gynecologists, who are the specialists of complicated or risky childbirth.

If you have one more moment, don't stop watching this short, "Mother of many" We talked about a while ago. It is beautiful and very clarifying:

But ... Five laps of cord!

So is. Five turns of cord and nobody runs to cut it, to save the baby's life or anything like that. The mother takes it and removes the circulars one by one. Can you imagine what that woman may be feeling at that moment? She has just given birth to her, she just takes the cord away, she just hugs her baby and cradles him in her chest. I call that, I don't know, feel powerful, MOTHER, so with capital letters, capable of anything in the world and anything for your baby.

I don't know how to describe it any other way because I haven't been a mother, so maybe those of you who have had children can explain it better.

But no, this is not going to give birth like this so that the mother feels better or worse, putting the baby at risk. This goes from giving birth like this because it is better for the baby and for the mother, than not having laces of cord is the baby at greater risk. In Spain and in other countries there is a brutal fear of cord laps and many times they are a cause of caesarean section: "we are going to have a caesarean section, the baby has a cord and is in danger". But in other countries, as the midwives who have worked there tell it, nothing special is done. "Do you have a cord? Yes, like so many babies. Well, come on, be born!"

And it is calculated that 37% of babies arrive at delivery with a circular cord. If this were dangerous, evolution would have made a big mistake, because the number of complicated deliveries would be very high. But no, it is not so because the cord has peculiar characteristics that give it enough elasticity to not be as dangerous as it is believed. 6 years ago I told you about it and Lola, last year, mentioned it again.

So that's why nobody does anything. That is why the girl in the video gives birth in front of the professionals without anyone doing anything and that is why no one runs to remove the umbilical cord from her neck. Do you understand now why is the most amazing hospital video I've ever seen?

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