Put your favorite song: infallible method against tantrums

Tantrums are the way children have to express their frustration, anger or anger at a certain situation. It is their way of telling us that they disagree, that they dislike something, that they are tired or that they are afraid, but they are still very small and unable to manage these emotions. The best thing parents can do, instead of scolding and aggravating the situation, is to understand them and help them overcome them.

There are different methods and the distraction is undoubtedly one of those that work best, although it does not mean that in this way we should ignore them. Music is a great ally in these cases: putting your favorite song is a foolproof method against tantrums.

It is exactly what happens to this girl, who will be about two years old, when in the middle of her tantrum, her favorite song begins to play on the car radio. Then click and forget the anger to start moving to the rhythm of the music.

This does not mean that you have to take care of the child when he has a tantrum, it is simply for you to keep in mind that it can be useful at any given time. There are other formulas that can also work to "get them" out of a tantrum such as tickling, jokes or hugs. Everyone knows their child and knows how to accept them.

Put your favorite song It may come in handy to divert the child's attention for a moment and later, when he is calm, return to the subject and talk about what bothered him so much.

Tantrums usually appear around the age of two, when the child begins to be aware that he is an independent person from his parents and begins to demonstrate his own character. Tantrums, tantrums, tantrums or whatever you want to call them, are healthy and natural, and are part of the development of their personality.