The nine-month-old baby who received a piece of her grandmother to survive

The Reina Sofía University Hospital of Córdoba has carried out the first living donor liver transplant from a grandmother to her grandson in Spain and one of the first in the world, a milestone in medicine.

It was done three months ago, when the baby, Juan José, was nine months old. The child was born with a serious pathology (extrahepatic bile duct atresia) that is the main cause of childhood transplants.

Normally, the donor in these cases is one of the parents, but in this case, because of incompatibility, they could not be. So his grandmother Francisca, 55, did not hesitate a second in offer a segment of his liver so that his grandson could survive.

What wouldn't some parents do for their son? And what a grandmother would not do for her grandson, right?

After making sure it was compatible, the woman was removed about 20 percent of your liver, a part that does not prevent its proper functioning, and was transplanted in the small, who two weeks after the intervention was discharged.


It is exciting to know that thanks to the gesture of the grandmother, that I imagine that no grandfather would hesitate to do it for his grandson, Juan José will be able to grow happily, play and develop like any child.

When he grows up and knows his story he will be moved and remember forever that he carries a piece of his grandmother inside.

Via | Cordoba newspaper
In Babies and more | A grandmother gives birth to her grandson