What you think will never happen to you: a woman gives birth in flight

There was nothing to worry about. This future Taiwanese mother still had two months to go out of account, but unexpectedly she went into labor prematurely at 32 weeks gestation.

Fortunately, a doctor was also traveling on the plane (there are always some among the passengers), who attended the woman. He gave birth without problems to a girl in flight long distance from the China Airlines company between Taiwan and Los Angeles.

As soon as the woman broke the bag, the pilot decided to land, but 30 minutes before she reached the nearest airport, the girl arrived in the world received by the applause of the other passengers.

How long can you travel by pregnant plane?

As a precaution, it is advisable to consult with the company before making the trip. In general, airlines do not recommend traveling by plane after 32 weeks of gestation, so this woman was at the limit. After 32 weeks, some airlines may request a medical certificate that specifies the gestation time and authorizes the pregnant woman to travel.

What nationality will the baby have?

If it occurs on land, there is no doubt about the nationality of the child, but what happens when it is born at thirty thousand feet high, what nationality will the baby have?

According to the Civil Aviation Administration said, he was born in the US airspace and his nationality will depend on the birth certificate issued by the Alaska hospital.