Babocush: the controversial cushion that replaces mom and dad with a fake heartbeat

Every time a new invention comes out with the intention of helping to care for and raise our children, alarms go off and defenders and detractors appear. Some complain about depersonalizing the upbringing and the others support the device for leaving them a little time to devote to the house, to a brother, or whatever it takes.

As we read in Cuatro, this is precisely what happened a few days ago on Facebook when the video you will see below, of the cushion was shared Babocush: more than 10 million views and a debate with more than 25,000 comments among those who defended and attacked this controversial cushion whose objective is replace mom and dad with a fake heart beat.

A cushion for babies with reflux and colic

As its creator explains on the product page, the idea of ​​inventing it arose from the care of her son Harry, who He suffered a reflux that made him just calm down in his arms, and that he only slept on his chest. As an intermediate solution, he put the baby on top of her, on a cushion, and when he fell asleep he gradually moved away, leaving the baby on the cushion for the minutes he endured, which sometimes did not exceed five.

This gave him the idea of ​​creating a cushion that, put on a hammock, made a little mom or dad, to replace his presence at some times. A cushion like Babocush, which is soft, fluffy and that incorporates a heartbeat to make the baby believe that he really is with someone who takes care of him.

Originally it is aimed at babies with this type of problem, those who cry at all hours for reflux, however, we also talk about babies with gas, colic, and here I would say that virtually all babies come in, because everyone cries a little more or a little less, everyone needs some arms and many parents have to end up putting them on their chest to remind them a little what life was like in the womb, shrinking and listening to mom's heart.

The invention of the century or another attempt to denaturalize parents?

Well here and judge every father and mother. To me i don't like it at all, especially if it is used for normal processes. One thing is that a baby has severe reflux and cries a lot (for which there are certain treatments that help them, after diagnosis), and another that is a normal baby who asks for love and contact.

In this second case, the ideal is that that is provided by a human, your father or your mother. Not only because he is a person of flesh and blood, but because in addition to a heart and a chest he has caressing hands, a breath and a particular smell, which is sure to involve the baby more than a cushion (have I ever told you that many adults feel calm and peace when they smell again the scent that their mother gave off when they were little?).

And we no longer talk only about the baby, but also about the parents. Normal processes are that, normal, and normality should try not to solve it based on helping external. If you are not the one who puts remedy, if you are not offering your help and your love to your baby and leave everything to third parties, or to devices, pills and syrups, you will run the risk of always looking solutions to anything that happens, even if it is not pathological.

I talk about infusions for gases, or a huge cushion like this, of something for when it seems that it does not poop, something for when it seems that it makes a lot of poop, something for when it sleeps little, something for when it does not play alone, something for when does not tolerate frustration, something for when he does not want to go to school, something for when he is very moved,… the psychologist for when he is jealous, the teacher to educate him, the coach to do sports and grandmother to take care of him during the day.

I don't know, when do we become parents? When do we give love if not through our arms when they are small? When do we take the reins of raising our children? This is what I mean, that I would never buy anything like that because it is I, or Miriam, who want to take care of them, and not the rest or the others, much less if we talk about something that is normal.

Also, is this not dangerous?

Yes, on the same product page they talk about sudden death, because as you all know, the best position when sleeping to avoid sudden death is on your back, which is precisely the opposite of what is promoted with this cushion.

That is why they explain that it should not be used as a substitute for the crib, but as a rest at the time the baby would be in our arms. That is, a parent liberator for the child to sleep peacefully on the cushion only for the day, and while you're watching it just in case.

Video | Babocush
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Video: Babocush Bed Helps Prevent Babies Crying, Keeps Airways Open. CNBC (July 2024).