Breakfast with oatmeal, natural, satiating and especially healthy

Many times, when I am faced with the dilemma of what to give my children breakfast, if something healthy and start the day fighting or go easy and give them cookies or buns, I try to find some type of breakfast that is simple to prepare, healthy and that they like it.

Cereals may be a good option, but of course, cereals they sell for children have a quantity of sugar that in many cases I don't know if I'm giving them breakfast or jelly beans. And do not believe that for adults it is different, because in my house, as in many others, breakfast is made quickly and badly. That's why I found some breakfast recipes with whole, slow-absorbing and healthy cereals, such as Breakfast with oatmeal, natural, satiating and especially healthy.

Oatmeal, what is it?

  • Oatmeal is a cereal that distinguishes itself from other cereals by its multifunctional characteristics and nutritional profile. The most recent advances in the field of food and nutrition reveal the importance of its composition:

  • Oatmeal is a good source of dietary fiber (11%), especially beta glucans (compounds of great importance in human nutrition), complex carbohydrates, minerals and other nutrients.

  • It is known to act as a ** blood sugar regulator ** and helps lower cholesterol.

  • It's a good one source of B vitamins in addition to proteins (globulins and avenins). Its composition at the amino acid level is superior to that of other cereals, given the presence in a greater amount of the limiting amino acids lysine and threonine.

  • Besides the soluble and insoluble fiber present in oats, it has avenanthramides with properties antioxidants Y anti-inflammatory tested in clinical trials with humans, and that contribute to the coronary heart disease reduction.

  • Contains fats (saturated, mono and polyunsaturated) and minerals, also flavonoids, flavolignans, saponins, sterols and stumps.

  • Only 5% of patients with celiac disease do not tolerate oats and generally due to contamination with other cereals at the time of processing.

A cereal suitable for anyone from the year of age

Remember that oatmeal is not a cereal suitable for babies, but from 10 months or a year it can be cooked in small quantities and from three years as part of the usual diet.

Today, both oats and other cereals or pseudo cereals we can find them easily in our supermarket and if we approach specialized stores we will find a much wider range, but the classic oatmeal flakes are very easy to find.

We can prepare our breakfasts, either with whole grain, flaked or inflated, or with the flours of these cereals although in the latter case their glycemic index would be higher and their fiber content would be lower.

Multitude of different preparations

We have two main forms of preparation, cold and hot.

The cold processing It consists of hydrating the flakes with milk or some vegetable drink the night before and the next morning mixing the porridge with seasonal fruits, yogurt or simply adding a little brown sugar.

The hot brewing It involves cooking the cereal lightly.

The proportion would be 200-250 ml of liquid for each half glass of quick oat flakes, if we want more texture we can use the normal whole flake, we cook them with a pinch of salt slowly stirring until the desired texture is reached (with two or three minutes will be enough).

If, on the contrary, we want a softer consistency, we can heat the first point cold over medium heat.

We must bear in mind that as soon as we remove the porridge from the heat and they cool down, they will gain in creaminess. Now we just need to sweeten them with ripe seasonal fruit, some slices of bananas, strawberries, grated apples and for the sweet tooth with 70% cocoa chocolate or a teaspoon of brown sugar.

Surely with such a breakfast we will not go hungry in several hours.

Some suggestions for breakfast

Quinoa and oatmeal cream with strawberries

In this case we find oats mixed with another pseudo-cereal such as quinoa and sweetened with a natural strawberry syrup.

To prepare it, we cook the quinoa and a little before the end we add the oatmeal. The strawberry syrup is prepared by cutting the strawberries into cubes and putting them over medium heat in a saucepan along with a teaspoon of good quality honey and another lemon juice for a few minutes, while stirring the mixture. When it cools we add it to the porridge.


In the case of the photo above, two cold elaborations with whole oat flakes are shown, to one we will add grated acid apple and some nuts and to the other we will put banana, ground flax seeds, chia seeds and ground cinnamon.