Emilio Aragón's precious short film about rare diseases

When a couple awaits the arrival of a baby with all the illusion of the world, they imagine an idyllic setting, such as going on vacation to a quiet and sunny beach. But what happens when the baby is born with a diagnosis of a rare disease? The trip is twisted and the plans change radically, but not necessarily for the worse. Different.

That is the idea conveyed by the actor, director and producer Emilio Aragón from an original idea of ​​the agency 'Crepes & Texas' in the short titled 'Beach and Mountain', prepared for the Mehuer Fighting Foundation against rare diseases, which affect more than 3 million people in our country.

It tells the story of a couple, who like so many other couples, learns that a baby is coming and begins to be a lot of plans for their new life. A new life that compares to a perfect beach vacation.

Suddenly the road to the beach is interrupted and someone tells you: "Welcome to the mountain", "To the mountain? But if I went to the sea," replies the mother. And from there they have no choice but to enter, along with their daughter, on an unknown path, with rain and dressed in clothes that are not appropriate. They have to go through obstacles and dangers, it seems a horrible place, but it makes us see that it's just different.

Invite to reflect on how beautiful the mountain has to offer instead of complaining about those beach vacations that never happened. A nice comparison full of hope. Because "if the life of a change of course, you will know other places that can also be wonderful." It seemed like a precious message to me, but no one better than the parents of children with rare diseases to give their opinion.