The controversy of the moment: Did you really leave the baby on the floor to use the mobile?

This is what social networks have: not only can we share things that happen to us, but also the things that happen around us, and what a while ago was an anecdote that you explained to your acquaintances ("I promise you, he left his baby on the floor to pick up the phone "), now it is shown with an image that quickly goes viral.

The photo of this mother was shared yesterday on the Facebook page "Being a mother is my best profession" and immediately began to accumulate reactions, comments and cause more and more controversial: Did you really leave the baby on the floor to use the mobile?

A train station, or an airport

The history of the image is unknown. Next to the image we see a text that says: "Thanks to the chat fever, this lady won the prize of the most loving and sensible mother of the year", accompanied by the hashtag #QueRabia. In the absence of more information that makes us understand why did you put your baby on the floor we have to be guided by what we see: a baby on the floor, at the feet of a mother who is using the mobile, and in the background to another girl who looks at the baby with a sad face or with a gesture of not understanding very well what does the baby do there (my interpretation, of course).

The floor is carpeted, so very clean should not be, but the mother has put a blanket for the baby to be on. A baby who must be one or two months old, who is currently looking under the seats to any place, or nothing in particular.

I would never do something like that because except I had the baby in my arms and I was about to lose consciousness, I find no logical reason to leave a baby on the floor, breathing everything that happens at the height of our feet.

However, on the page where it was shared, many people have justified the action of the mother, I guess because inside our head it is easier to think that things are done more for good than for bad intention, and because we always try to empathize with who could be making a mistake, for what we all commit and hate to be judged.

One of the people who opined, the one with the most likes Of all the comments, he said this:

Sometimes the wait is long and I get the feeling that the baby is overwhelmed and his body hurts from being in his arms ... I do not know ... I do not see it wrong. He has a blanket and he can even be relieved ... mmm and in passing he answers a text ...

The second comment with more likes also supports the mother. In fact, it is so normal for a mother to leave her child on the floor:

I don't see anything wrong in that picture, I'm a mom, I love my baby but I can't deny that sometimes I feel exhausted. What happens is that we always judge ... She may be writing to her husband, a relative to coordinate a meeting since the naked eye shows that she is in an airport.

The third comment with more likes It is much more critical and ironic:

Surely you are posting on your social networks how much you love your baby and that is your everything, but the reality is different!

And you, what do you think? Can you imagine any situation in which to pick up the phone and use it with one hand you have to leave your baby on the floor? And if you didn't have a mobile, would you leave it too?

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