After her lactation was empty she decided to donate her milk to other babies

A few months ago we talked to you in Babies and more of a possibility that could help some women when they suffer a loss they did not expect and breastfeeding is also established: donate milk, if they wish, so that other babies in need can get ahead with it.

We comment on it as a possibility, an option, although in Spain it still does not seem easy to do it because it is not very clear that they accept it in the Milk Banks (the response we obtained at that time was not very promising).

In the US, however, it seems that this possibility is real and this allowed a mother, whose breastfeeding was empty by losing your baby, find a way to give meaning to what you had just lived: donated more than 500 liters of breast milk to hospitalized babies.

The story of Demi and Leo

As we read in TN, Demi Frandsen She was a mother prematurely of a baby born with gastroschisis, a malformation in which the abdominal organs develop outside their cavity, outside.

Upon birth, babies suffering from this condition should be intervened to introduce the organs into the abdominal cavity. Although the prognosis is many times good, there are times when there may be complications. In this case Demi’s son, LeoHe was born premature and this made the situation more difficult.

The baby was admitted to intensive care at the Omaha Children's Hospital in Nebraska. He lived until the age of 10 months, but in the end it could not be. Leo's little body said he couldn't keep fighting. She had been pumping milk from the beginning, and Leo received his milk while he could.

He started donating it when he saw that Leo could no longer take it

In recent weeks her condition worsened and she could barely receive her milk, so she decided to donate it to the hospital as a thank you for the good treatment she had received so far, and in case with that could help other babies with difficulties to get ahead.

After Leo's death, she continued with her routine and every three hours he kept waking up to express his milk. So until he got to donate near 500 liters of breast milk. When asked about this fact, as we read in Upsocl, she only said the following:

We keep looking for a way to have a life without a small piece of our soul. His 10 months of life were the best 10 months of mine.

In this video you can see Demi explaining (in English) the story:

Without a doubt, a sad story, that of a loss, which is accompanied by a precious act of kindness and thanks.

Video: Mom Grateful for Shared Milk (July 2024).