Healthy mens… The emotional health of the pregnant woman also influences the baby

We are clear that, during pregnancy, the state of physical health of women strongly influences the development of the fetus and the health of the baby, but what about the emotional state of the mother? The emotional health of the pregnant woman also affects the baby, especially if this is unstable or important psychological episodes happen.

There are even studies that suggest that the mother's mental health influences more than her nutritional or socioeconomic status on the baby's health, so it is certainly not an aspect to be overlooked. In addition, it is more frequent than we think that emotional health is disrupted during pregnancy. For example, up to one in four pregnant women suffer from depression or anxiety.

We recall that there are investigations that link the mother's anxiety to the baby's health, since it has been shown that anxiety and depression in pregnancy are associated with a lower birth weight, which would increase the health risks of the newborn. We also know that stress is related to low birth weight and childhood asthma, confirming that the psychological factor is essential for the health of mother and child.

On the other hand, the depression of the pregnant woman can affect the language of the baby and also the child will increase the risk of suffering, in turn, depression, as a recent study points out. And is that the hormonal, chemical changes that are generated and change with the mother's intense emotional states also reach the baby.

Take care of the mind and rest during pregnancy

During the months of pregnancy many fears arise, some physical problems that affect our well-being ... but everything will be worse in a tired mind and body. Apart from physical rest, look for mental relaxation It will help us to pass this stage better, something that we can do in many ways, as many as hobbies and different women, as what makes us "disconnect" and that can go from listening to music to knitting:

  • Listen to relaxing music
  • Get a massage
  • Perform gentle exercise on a regular basis.
  • Walk, walk every day
  • Do relaxation exercises at home
  • Go to the movies, to a concert, to the theater
  • Stay with friends
  • Practice yoga
  • Exercise in the water (pool or beach)
  • Take a relaxing bath
  • Treat yourself: a dessert or a special dinner ...

Of course, you will be thinking that many of these options are more difficult to make if we have other children, so the collaboration of the couple and the family is essential. And for that, they must also know the importance of the pregnant woman being well psychologically.

In short, we don't just have to take care of our physical health in pregnancy. The consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other toxic substances influence the baby's health, but also the mother's emotions could affect the baby for the rest of her life. Another reason to take care of body and mind at this crucial stage of life.

Video: How Pregnancy Shapes The 'Dad Bod' (July 2024).