Seven keys to prevent our children from being illiterate emotionally

In the education of children, more attention is usually paid to the academic results they obtain in school than to their emotional intelligence skills, a capacity that will undoubtedly be as or more important than the first ones to have a happy life.

Childhood is a stage in which it is necessary to lay the foundations of a solid emotional health. Teaching them to connect with their emotions and manage them is a task that we must put into practice since they are young, but many parents do not know how to do it. To do this, we give you seven keys to prevent our children from being illiterate emotionally.

Emotional education since birth

Emotional education is not something that is usually taught in school as another subject, although it would be a good idea. It is a learning that the children are assimilating from the day they are born, depending on how they relate to their environment and to other people.

Emotional intelligence develops as it is practiced, and has great benefits. Among other things, it helps them to be more empathetic and sociable people, to have greater confidence in themselves and that, most likely will contribute to their being Happier people Attentive to these seven keys to developing emotional intelligence in children.

In Babies and more How to help your young child manage his emotions

1) Connect with your baby

The baby's brain is completely moldable during the first years and feeds on the experiences it receives from its surroundings. The hugs and caresses we give (and those we don't give), the way we address them and even the words we use generate neuronal connections that are tracing their brain map.

Therefore, emotional intelligence is taught from the cradle, or rather, from the womb. If you are pregnant or have a newborn baby, connecting with your baby and making him feel loved is the basis of a secure emotional bond. Simple gestures such as looking at him, speaking to him and reacting to his emotions are ways to start developing his emotional intelligence.

2) Listen to your son

A key issue in emotional education is that the example is almost everything. Just as you treat your children, they will treat others. As empathetic as you are with him, he will be with others. How do we want children to listen to others, if we ourselves do not listen to them?

Make them feel that we listen to them And we are there to meet your needs is very important. Get rid of the mobile and put into practice the method of active listening, with which we put ourselves at the height of the child and look him in the eye to establish contact and listen openly and positively.

3) Help your child identify their emotions

It is essential that children since they are very young train the ability to identify and name your feelings, and that they can express and accept them.

Start with the simplest feelings such as anger, sadness or happiness and then see adding more complex emotions such as frustration, disappointment, etc. You can do it through games or books, and gradually, put it into practice in situations of everyday life.

In Babies and more Emotional education in the first months of life: how to stimulate your baby

4) Help your child express their emotions

Sometimes they do not even know what is really happening to them and react through crying or tantrum because it is the only way they know to express their frustrations. Therefore, it is important that, together with the above, teach them to identify their emotions, we also work in the way they express them.

Regardless, if they are children (there are still certain sexist prejudices when it comes to educating children), they should know that nothing happens to cry, feel vulnerable, be afraid or feel frustrated. As well as happiness, negative emotions are normal feelings that children experience in certain situations and it is our job as parents help them express them freely.

We should never minimize or belittle their emotions, much less make fun of them. Trust and respect are essential to be able to accompany our children as they need.

5) Teach him and show him empathy

Again we return to the example of the parents. Empathy is the ability to put oneself in the place of the other and here more than ever, it is clear that if you are empathic with your children, they will be with others.

In Babies and more Your child needs to be sad, but also your help to know how to manage it

Empathic people are able to understand each other, move and share emotions without judgment. Empathize with your child, nod with your head and put yourself in his place, let him know that you understand his problem, although we may or may not agree with his vision. Regardless of whether or not we validate your reaction, we always connect with your needs.

6) Provide support always

Contrary to what one might believe, emotional attachment in childhood is not a sign of weakness, but quite the opposite. Children with a rich emotional education in childhood, children who have been hugged, held in their arms, who have received caresses and have been heard, will have better tools to function in adulthood when they release the hand of mom and dad.

In the meantime, (and although they grow they will not stop doing) show children our unconditional support It is a great way to educate emotionally healthy beings. We must educate them to be autonomous and make their own decisions, always showing our support.

7) Do not forget the physical contact

The theory is fine, but emotional intelligence is not educated without the practice of physical contact. Caresses, kisses, massages and hugs are food that our children need as much as eating or sleeping.

Our closeness, being affectionate to them gives them security and confidence, provides a sense of well-being and generate positive emotions in them.

Video: What Would You Do: Child abused by foster mother (May 2024).