The security camera recorded everything: the grandmother puts the baby to sleep and goes head first into the crib

Who has not ever happened? The baby has finally fallen asleep, and as if we had an activated bomb in our hands, we try to place it in the cradle with all the delicacy of the world when, unwittingly, we make a gesture, an involuntary movement or step on a toy that makes she wakes. Well that's what happens in this funny video when a grandmother tries to put the baby to sleep in the crib. What you would never expect happens: goes head first into the crib.

The video was shared by Nikki Sharp Bishop, the baby's mother on her Facebook profile, and has already been seen by millions of people.

The images were captured by a security camera installed in the child's room. The grandmother is barely a meter and a half, so a step has been placed next to the crib so she can place the baby inside once she has fallen asleep. When he bent down to lay him down, lost his balance and went head first into the cradle.

Luckily, he didn't crush the baby, but of course all his effort to sleep it vanished in a second. The little boy sits in the crib and looks astonished how his grandmother manages to get out of the crib.

When sharing it, his daughter said:

“My mom is going to kill me, but I had to publish it. For those who don't know my mom, she is 5 feet tall and has always been challenged by heights. I love this crazy woman. ”

The grandmother will also have laughed at the situation and more to be recorded by a camera. Oh, what would we do without the grandmothers! Most of the time they are an unconditional support in raising children and without a doubt, our day to day with children would be much more difficult without them.

Video: Dad Throws Baby Girl Into Pool (July 2024).