The 17 best stories of 2016 in Babies and more

Another year goes by in which we have shared with you stories that have moved us, that have astonished us and many others that have entertained us ... The time has come to take stock and gather the 17 best stories of 2016 in Babies and more.

1) A precipitated twin birth

In February we were witnesses of Verdeliss wonderful twin birth. Estefi shared with us a beautiful video of her fifth hasty vaginal delivery, when her twins Eider and Anne were born with 36 weeks of gestation.

2) A baby born inside the amniotic bag

These types of births are known as veiled births or shuffled births and they are not very common because the bag tends to break before the baby is born (when water breaks). We were amazed how the baby moves inside the bag without knowing that it is already outside the mother's womb. Precisely, for not happening often, it is said that children born in this way are special and enjoy good luck throughout their lives.

3) "Do you have anything better to do than watch your daughter grow?"

After telling her husband that she didn't know they would eat, because the girl barely let her do anything, she received a beautiful response from him: "Do you have anything better to do than watch your daughter grow?"

4) Before judging ...

We had shared the photo of a mother who generated great controversy. She was sitting in an airport seat and her baby lying on the floor, while she looked at the mobile phone. Then we have learned the true story about why he did it. A story that made us reflect and apply the advice: Be careful, not everything is as it seems.

5) A letter that gave us what to think

Why? Why does a child end up abusing other children? Katarina Magnus, director of the Grålums Kindergarten Parent Association in Sarpsborg, Norway, decided to write a letter to the parents to answer those questions, in which she said: "You are teaching your children to abuse children. the rest".

6) Example to imitate

We often talk about bars, restaurants and other establishments that with very little success urge women who breastfeed to go to the toilet to feed their babies, cover themselves or leave the premises. We also rescue the wonderful initiative of some businesses that not only allowed mothers to breastfeed, but invited them to something: "If you need to breastfeed your baby between without asking permission, we invite you to something", the great initiative of some shops.

7) A hug that says it all

Because a photo is worth a thousand words, precisely for all the feelings that sums up in an imageThis emotional photo of a mother hugging her daughter has been made viral before welcoming a new baby, captured by the birth photographer Laura Paulescu of Crowned Photography.

8) A poem that removes

A woman wrote a poem about caesarean section, a mantra, for each woman to tell herself, removing feelings and helping thousands of women to the point that thousands of mothers have already shared it, thanking those words, that visibility of a scar that is not only physical, but also emotional.

9) Incredible delivery in podic

We have shared with you an amazing collection of photos of a natural birth of a baby who was born in podic. In them you can see the step by step of the Vaginal birth when the baby comes from buttocks.

10) Biological triplets of a homosexual male couple

First case in the world where triplets are born that are biological children of a homosexual couple of men. The circumstance that two of the babies are identical twins is also added. Christo and Theo Menelaou turned to a rental belly to fulfill their dream of being parents, both donated sperm to fertilize two ovules of the rental mother, who resulted in the birth of three babies.

11) Put yourself in his place

We put ourselves for a minute in the place of a 10 year old boy with autism to better understand his way of seeing the world. Being exposed to a huge amount of sensory information, such as during a walk through a shopping mall, they may feel completely overwhelmed.

12) Empathy

When Shylee, a deaf girlShe went to Disneyworld with her family and made her especially excited because she was going to meet the characters in the movies, although aware that she could not talk to them, and that they could not talk to her. Her surprise was capitalized when Tinker Bell started addressing her with sign language (video)

13) A smile that gives hope

The photo of a premature girl with a dazzling smile taken when she was barely five days old is giving hope to hundreds of parents with his story. Freya Vinje was born at 34 weeks gestation when he weighed less than two kilos and after staying a month in intensive care, he managed to get ahead.

14) Your daughter's heart in another body

Heather Clark lost her seven-month-old baby and stopped listening to her heart. Now, thanks to a transplant, this mom has been able to hear that heart beat again, but in the chest of a 4-year-old girl, in one of the most emotional moments we've ever seen.

15) Be careful before opening your mouth

We knew what a lilac butterfly means in a baby's crib and we warn you: be careful what you say because you can hurt the parents. Babies who are in a crib with a lilac butterfly they are part of a multiple pregnancy in which there has been at least one loss.

16) What a punch!

This year we also met the baby mane: a nice nine-week-old baby with an abundant amount of hair that has just gone viral in the news. Have you ever seen a baby with such a blow?

17) "Uncensored Maternity"

In another order of things, we saw a photo that no woman would share after being a mother: with a gigantic diaper-like compress. With this photo he has titled "Uncensored Motherhood," Amanda Bacon wanted to show the aspects of motherhood and postpartum that nobody talks about, those that nobody shows, those that people hide and that should be better known, shared and mentioned.

Video: My Child Can't Stop Eating Childhood Obesity Documentary. Real Stories (July 2024).