17 things you can do (and others you can't) with the four weeks of paternity leave

As we already told you, those who are lucky enough to become parents from January 1 of this year will enjoy the new four-week paternity leave. As expected, this measure has not been exempt from flattery, controversy and criticism from various sectors.

As it seems that not everyone is very clear about what parents are going to use this permission and as we know that there is always some clueless or distrustful that does not finish clearing up here I leave some of the things you can do in these four weeks and Of course, some better to avoid.

It's a permit, it's not a vacation

Despite the similarity in time and form with that dear month of paid vacations (more or less) that we all enjoy (more or less), paternity leave is NOT a vacation, at least in the strict sense of the expression. Yes, we don't have to go to work and no, we can't dedicate ourselves to being sunbathing, or getting into the bar "Los Torreznos" all afternoon. You have just been a father and there are a lot of things to do. So get to work.

Enjoy the new family more calmly

(Understand "calm" that left by the baby) For me this will always be the main objective in both fathers and mothers. We are no longer in the hurry of the two weeks between the hospital, visits and paperwork, when you managed to focus you had to return to work. Now there is more time to assimilate, reorganize our life and start enjoying the new fatherhood, either for the first time or as a veteran.

Perform the same procedures as when there were only two weeks

The permit has been extended and there are procedures that we can already do directly from the hospital, but there are others that still require us to move, so we already have a couple of mornings busy.

Take care of the home's intention

The arrival of a baby usually brings changes in the routines and as a result some tasks tend to resent or rather, accumulate. It is normal, continuous visits, sleepless nights of the pull, etc. All this causes certain tasks to accumulate, such as washing machines, ironing clothes, or it may even come the day we open the refrigerator and realize that the purchase has been made since you were shot at the hospital. You may have had everything very well distributed to date, but now there is a small one that requires much of that time and touches a small restructuring of the department of intendencia. It is a good time to take control of the situation until we have all got used to the new routines.

Cook, sweep and perform various housework together

It is a good way to spend time with the kids and that they find their place at home and so we keep the house a little tidy.

Provide the mother with the necessary support for her to rest

Mothers are amazing, but no matter how well they are able to carry it and manage everything, they need rest and of course the mother-child tandem needs peace of mind. To guarantee this there are several things we can do such as:

  • Control visits The theme "visits" can become quite complicated and become a continuous headache, so it is best that you have spoken, that you know how you want to manage it and once you are clear, it is the father who is responsible for That this issue does not lose heart, especially when preserving the privacy of mother and child or endless visits.
  • Walk the baby when the mother needs to rest: Between take and take we can go out with the baby and let the mother to rest a little, either sleeping or spending time with the older brothers or just showering, reading or whatever you want to do to disconnect for a while. What we should not do: "How much iron there is, I take the baby so you don't have to watch for him and iron at ease", "I take the baby and you cook calmly", "I take the baby and so you talk quietly with my mother / mother / etc of things of mothers ".

  • Walk to "visits" for the mother to rest:"Sometimes, it is convenient to leave everything that we are doing and find a good excuse to take away the visits and let the mother and the baby" get along "alone, away from the" because in my house it was done like this ... ", "you should do ...", "let me take that you have a lifetime to do it", "are you going to breastfeed? Come Paco that you miss it! "These are situations in which the time has come to show visitors the neighborhood.

  • Take care of the brothers: We have to remember that if for us it is an experience that can be difficult to manage, for older siblings too, especially if to date he has been an only child. He or she will require you to pay attention and depending on your age, it can be difficult to manage this lack of attention from your parents. Therefore, what we can do is go out with him and do what he likes or play at home with him, explain that the baby now needs special attention, especially from mom, but that you still feel the same about him. Also, as I said in the previous point, it is good to allow exclusive moments between the older brothers and the mother.

  • Prepare food for several days: You never know what can happen and the time you will have both to prepare the food, and to sit down to eat. Prepare food for several days and if you do not know how to cook, do not worry, our companions directly to the palate can help you, you just have to follow their simple recipes and it will surely be great.

  • Guard at night: the nights can be complicated and if there are brothers who used to wake up at night they will probably do it now and even become more continuous, it will be our task to take care of it. Remember that it will be easier for you to recover lost sleep than she.

  • Walk the whole family together and enjoy some oxygen: We are clear that the first days after childbirth the mother is not for many jogs, but leaving home and breathing some fresh air will charge our batteries, at least until next night.

Learn to change a diaper

If you are not a first-time father you can skip this point because in a couple of changes you will have taken a new practice, if you are not and you have never changed one, the thing is a crime and if you are a first-time father you can read this article that will not take you anymore five minutes and get fully into the world of diapers, creams, pee and baby poop.

Pick up and take the brothers to school

If you didn't use it before because of your work schedules, there is no excuse. For your children it will be a pleasant experience and a novelty.

Change baby clothes that you don't like or don't serve

That dress that they have given you that is shouting, "Change me", the body for newborn number 37 that will stay small shortly, that warms up bottles that you have in duplicate, etc.

To write a diary

It may seem strange to you, but there will be many sensations and experiences that you will like to remember in a few years, when your baby is no longer so small.

Enjoy some rest time

There will not always be things that have to be done and cannot wait, at some point you can find a place for both of us, to simply sit together and do nothing or to think and assimilate everything that is happening to you.

These have been some of our proposals, we do not leave any more and surely you will have a few that have not been collected, but remember that it is a great opportunity to enjoy your family, to support your partner in a very complicated month to all levels, one month to consider many things in our life, enjoy it.