Someone is adding blood to the scenes of 'Home alone' and his videos have gone viral

We do not know if it is someone who did not like the movies or if they are fans who have simply wanted to test their ability with special effects, but have posted five very short videos editing scenes of "Home alone" to add blood and more or less logical damage, and the first video, for example, already passes the million views.

Nooo, my childhood movies

The reactions to the videos are several. On the one hand there are people who have not been very funny, because they are films that are associated with memories of our childhood (the first one is 27 years ago), and they say something like Why have they done something like that? and it is not only blood that can be seen, but more than obvious damage to both thieves.

Yes, now it is much more realistic

But, on the other hand, it should not be forgotten that the blows they received were most scandalous, and it was curious that they ended up alive and walking in both films.

The fact is that, as we read in AS, BitMassive (the name of the channel that opened a few days ago just to hang these videos), has not only added blood and damage, but has allowed the luxury of modify the argument a bit, at least in one of the videos.

In the second, which you have above, he also ends up receiving not one, but several palazos of his neighbor, in a touch of surprise and humor that makes the videos even less suitable for children (really, I would not teach them).

And what we saw in the movies was nothing more than a kind of chapter of Tom and Jerry taken to the big screen, with actors taking tremendous sticks, but becoming much less damage than they probably should have done. Now, we talked about a family movie, so it made no sense to try to make it realistic.

This team of people has decided not to do the "childishly correct" thing and has given free rein to their imagination and their abilities to achieve these five videos that many will hate, but that most of them might like.