La la land: five valuable lessons your kids will learn from the movie (no spoilers)

La la land It is a love movie, and of course if they are very small, they should not be martyred because they will get bored (although there are many songs and colors, it is adult). But if they are a little mature and from 9 or 10 years old, I would consider it as something good for them: There is no violence, there is no sex and there is a very positive version of love for them. After seeing her with my daughters (who are already 11 and 14 and have loved them), I tell you my impressions of the movie of the year:

1-It is good to return to the classics

La la land It is in the line of Hollywood classics like Singing in the rain or Barefoot in the park, although with mobiles and in a more modern world.

2-Love is not suffering

They will see in La la land a positive love relationship (and nothing wrong by the way). Why?

Because it does not show love how suffering or how it struggles. Good relationships feel good. They don't hurt They are not harmful (Michelle Obama dixit). Those are the relationships we need in our lives.

Because the one who loves you thinks of the best for you and helps you get it. But it will even go further: it will see in you good things that you don't even see. He will believe in you. It will push you to achieve your dreams, although it is not clear that this person remains in the equation.

Because it shows a happy couple that lets the other be free. Only then can one be done in a couple.

Because when you fall in love, you want to be better.

Because we must not reproach if not constructive criticism and improvement contributions to the project of the other. And that's good in life always: with your partner, yes. But also at work, with your friends or family ...

3-Flexibility is good.

You can insist on a goal and a path, but you can change the path and not forget your goal. If you are flexible, you will be happier. You will suffer less, and you will see more alternatives to be happy.

4-Creativity and own initiative are important for life.

If you see that things do not come out or do not listen to you, you have to look for other ways to make yourself look and have initiative and be an entrepreneur. Never, never, remain still and enter the loop of neglect.

5-You have to look for happiness in what you are passionate about.

Without obsessing, but without losing sight of it. If it is not your source of life, because unfortunately it is not always possible, you must always have it there, on our radar, and look for a moment for it. Do not underestimate the passions. They are what make us who we are.

Photos | Universal Pictures More info | La la land: fantastic and exciting.