Babies may suffer signs of depression and anxiety before they appear

We believe that being a baby and suffering from stress are not compatible, but there are situations that stress babies and leave a mark on their brain connections. Hence the importance of satisfying their needs and taking care of their mental health from their first days of life.

A new study has found brain patterns in newborns who predict signs of depression and anxiety that the child can manifest later.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, analyzed the brain of a group of term and preterm infants by means of magnetic resonances.

Based on the findings, certain patterns of brain connectivity in newborns can predict the likelihood of the baby showing symptoms of mental illness, including sadness, excessive shyness, nervousness and separation anxiety, closely linked to clinical depression and anxiety in older children and adults.

The consequences of stress in the first months creep during the rest of life.

"It is important to note, however, that the experiences and the environment that those who are exposed as they grow can alter these connectivity patterns so that these symptoms are more or less likely to develop," says Dr. Cynthia. Rogers, author of the study.

The researchers focused on analyzing the activity of the amygdala, the fear center of the brain, and how it interacts with other regions of the brain. They found that certain connections and interactions between some areas of the brain (the amygdala, the insula and the medial prefrontal cortex) were the indicators that the individual presented a increased risk of distress and depression at 24 months of age.

It is one of the first studies to detect functional differences in the connectivity of the amygdala from birth in relation to the first symptoms.

How to avoid stress in babies

As we often comment, the experiences of babies in the first months of life and in early childhood strongly influence the formation of the brain in constant development during that period. The consequences of stress in the first months creep during the rest of life.

Therefore, it is important to provide them with pleasant experiences, which provide them with security and attachment to favor their mental health, which will have repercussions in the future. Some of these practices include:

  • Always attend to the baby's cry
  • Catch it in arms
  • Practice the Kangaroo Method with the newborn (born premature or full-term)
  • Interact with the baby since pregnancy
  • Talk to him, smile at him and favor closeness and physical contact (massages, caresses, skin with skin, walks, portage, etc.).
  • Establish daily routines of food, hygiene, shelter and sleep that provide tranquility and security.